骂 [ma4]
汉字:骂 / 拼音:ma4
骂 | |||
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异体 | 㐷 傌 骂 罵 駡 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
侮骂 | 侮罵 | wu3 ma4 | to scold/ abuse |
叱骂 | 叱罵 | chi4 ma4 | to curse/ to berate angrily |
咒骂 | 咒罵 | zhou4 ma4 | to damn/ to curse/ to revile |
唾骂 | 唾罵 | tuo4 ma4 | to spit on and curse/ to revile |
国骂 | 國罵 | guo2 ma4 | insult commonly used nationwide |
大骂 | 大罵 | da4 ma4 | to rain curses (on sb)/ to let sb have it/ to bawl sb out |
嬉笑怒骂 | 嬉笑怒罵 | xi1 xiao4 nu4 ma4 | lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invective (idiom)/ fig. all kinds of emotions/ to mock and scold/ (of writing) freely roving/ following the author's fancy |
对骂 | 對罵 | dui4 ma4 | to hurl abuse/ to trade insults/ slanging match |
对着和尚骂贼秃 | 對著和尚罵賊禿 | dui4 zhe5 he2 shang5 ma4 zei2 tu1 | lit. in the presence of a monk, insult another monk, calling him a bald-headed bandit (idiom)/ fig. to insult indirectly/ to criticize obliquely |
怒骂 | 怒罵 | nu4 ma4 | to verbally abuse |
耻骂 | 恥罵 | chi3 ma4 | to abuse/ to mock |
恶骂 | 惡罵 | e4 ma4 | to curse fiercely |
打情骂俏 | 打情罵俏 | da3 qing2 ma4 qiao4 | to banter flirtatiously (idiom) |
打骂 | 打罵 | da3 ma4 | to beat and scold |
指桑骂槐 | 指桑罵槐 | zhi3 sang1 ma4 huai2 | lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree/ fig. to scold sb indirectly/ to make oblique accusations (idiom) |
指着和尚骂秃子 | 指着和尚罵禿子 | zhi3 zhe5 he2 shang5 ma4 tu1 zi5 | lit. to insult a bald man while pointing at a monk (idiom)/ fig. to insult indirectly/ to criticize obliquely |
指鸡骂狗 | 指雞罵狗 | zhi3 ji1 ma4 gou3 | lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom)/ fig. to make indirect criticisms |
挨打受骂 | 挨打受罵 | ai2 da3 shou4 ma4 | to suffer beatings and receive abuse (idiom) |
挨骂 | 挨罵 | ai2 ma4 | to receive a scolding |
斥骂 | 斥罵 | chi4 ma4 | to scold |
漫骂 | 漫罵 | man4 ma4 | see 謾罵|谩骂[man4 ma4] |
泼妇骂街 | 潑婦罵街 | po1 fu4 ma4 jie1 | shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife |
滥骂 | 濫罵 | lan4 ma4 | scurrilous/ to scold indiscriminately |
痛骂 | 痛罵 | tong4 ma4 | to bawl out/ to reprimand severely |
相骂 | 相罵 | xiang1 ma4 | to hurl insults at each other |
破口大骂 | 破口大罵 | po4 kou3 da4 ma4 | to abuse roundly |
端起碗吃肉,放下筷子骂娘 | 端起碗吃肉,放下筷子罵娘 | duan1 qi3 wan3 chi1 rou4 , fang4 xia4 kuai4 zi5 ma4 niang2 | lit. to eat meat from one's bowl, then put down one's chopsticks and scold one's mother (idiom)/ fig. to complain despite being privileged/ to be ungrateful for what one has been given |
笑骂 | 笑罵 | xiao4 ma4 | to deride/ to mock/ (jocularly) to heckle good-naturedly/ to razz |
笞骂 | 笞罵 | chi1 ma4 | to whip and revile |
骂 | 罵 | ma4 | to scold/ to abuse/ to curse/ CL:通[tong4],頓|顿[dun4] |
2021-05-26, 401👍, 0💬
汉字:对 / 拼音:dui4
简体:吹袭 / 繁体:吹袭 / 拼音:chui1 xi2
简体:严把 / 繁体:严把 / 拼音:yan2 ba3
简体:赑屃 / 繁体:赑屃 / 拼音:Bi4 xi4
简体:对乙酰氨基酚 / 繁体:对乙酰氨基酚 / 拼音:dui4 yi3 xian1 an1 ji1 fen1