
茧 [jian3]


汉字:茧 / 拼音:jian3

jiǎn cocoon/ callus


作茧作繭zuo4 jian3to make a cocoon
作茧自缚作繭自縛zuo4 jian3 zi4 fu4to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/ hoist by his own petard
信息茧房信息繭房xin4 xi1 jian3 fang2(Internet) echo chamber/ filter bubble
抽丝剥茧抽絲剝繭chou1 si1 bao1 jian3lit. to spin silk from cocoons/ fig. to make a painstaking investigation (idiom)
破茧成蝶破繭成蝶po4 jian3 cheng2 die2lit. to break through a cocoon and turn into a butterfly (idiom)/ fig. to emerge strong after a period of struggle/ to get to a better place after going through difficult period
jian3cocoon/ callus
茧子繭子jian3 zi5callus (patch or hardened skin)/ corns (on feet)/ also 趼子
老茧老繭lao3 jian3callus (patch or hardened skin)/ corns (on feet)/ also 老趼
jian3variant of 繭|茧[jian3]
蚕茧蠶繭can2 jian3silkworm cocoon
蚕茧纸蠶繭紙can2 jian3 zhi3paper made from silkworm cocoons
造茧自缚造繭自縛zao4 jian3 zi4 fu4to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/ hoist with his own petard



2021-05-07, 441👍, 0💬