
繡 [xiu4]


汉字:繡 / 拼音:xiu4

xiù to embroider/ embroidery


低地绣眼鸟低地繡眼鳥di1 di4 xiu4 yan3 niao3(bird species of China) lowland white-eye (Zosterops meyeni)
刺绣刺繡ci4 xiu4to embroider/ embroidery
刺绣品刺繡品ci4 xiu4 pin3embroidery
十字绣十字繡shi2 zi4 xiu4cross-stitch
抛绣球拋繡球pao1 xiu4 qiu2throwing the embroidered ball (traditional Zhuang flirting game at festivals)/ (fig.) to make overtures/ to court
暗绿绣眼鸟暗綠繡眼鳥an4 lu:4 xiu4 yan3 niao3(bird species of China) Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)
湘绣湘繡Xiang1 xiu4Hunan embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])
灰腹绣眼鸟灰腹繡眼鳥hui1 fu4 xiu4 yan3 niao3(bird species of China) oriental white-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus)
粤绣粵繡Yue4 xiu4Guangdong embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])
红胁绣眼鸟紅脅繡眼鳥hong2 xie2 xiu4 yan3 niao3(bird species of China) chestnut-flanked white-eye (Zosterops erythropleurus)
绮绣綺繡qi3 xiu4silk material with grained pattern
xiu4to embroider/ embroidery
绣墩繡墩xiu4 dun1see 坐墩[zuo4 dun1]
绣帷繡帷xiu4 wei2tapestry
绣球花繡球花xiu4 qiu2 hua1hydrangea
绣球藤繡球藤xiu4 qiu2 teng2Clematis montana
绣花繡花xiu4 hua1to embroider/ to do embroidery
绣花鞋繡花鞋xiu4 hua1 xie2embroidered shoes
花拳绣腿花拳繡腿hua1 quan2 xiu4 tui3flowery of fist with fancy footwork (idiom)/ highly embellished and ineffectual/ fancy but impractical skills/ all show and no go/ pugilistic wankery
苏绣蘇繡Su1 xiu4Suzhou embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4], 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])
蜀绣蜀繡Shu3 xiu4Sichuan embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4] and 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4])
锦心绣口錦心繡口jin3 xin1 xiu4 kou3(of writing) elegant and ornate
锦绣錦繡jin3 xiu4beautiful
锦绣前程錦繡前程jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2bright future/ bright prospects



2021-05-25, 476👍, 0💬