立 [Li4 li4]
汉字:立 / 拼音:Li4 li4
立 | |||||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
三十而立 | 三十而立 | san1 shi2 er2 li4 | thirty years old and therefore independent (idiom, from Confucius) |
三权分立 | 三權分立 | san1 quan2 fen1 li4 | separation of powers |
三权鼎立 | 三權鼎立 | san1 quan2 ding3 li4 | separation of powers |
不完全中立 | 不完全中立 | bu4 wan2 quan2 zhong1 li4 | imperfect neutrality |
不破不立 | 不破不立 | bu4 po4 bu4 li4 | without destruction there can be no construction |
并立 | 並立 | bing4 li4 | to exist side by side/ to exist simultaneously |
中立 | 中立 | zhong1 li4 | neutral/ neutrality |
中立国 | 中立國 | zhong1 li4 guo2 | neutral country |
中立性 | 中立性 | zhong1 li4 xing4 | impartiality/ neutrality |
中立派 | 中立派 | zhong1 li4 pai4 | centrist/ the centrist faction |
交通立体化 | 交通立體化 | jiao1 tong1 li4 ti3 hua4 | grade separation (civil engineering) |
亭亭玉立 | 亭亭玉立 | ting2 ting2 yu4 li4 | slender and elegant (of a woman) |
伫立 | 佇立 | zhu4 li4 | to stand for a long time |
侍立 | 侍立 | shi4 li4 | to stand by in attendance |
倒立 | 倒立 | dao4 li4 | a handstand/ to turn upside down/ to stand on one's head/ upside down |
倒立像 | 倒立像 | dao4 li4 xiang4 | inverted image/ reversed image (e.g. upside down) |
傅立叶 | 傅立葉 | Fu4 li4 ye4 | Charles Fourier (French sociologist and socialist, 1772-1837) |
傅立叶变换 | 傅立葉變換 | Fu4 li4 ye4 bian4 huan4 | (math.) Fourier transform |
傍户而立 | 傍戶而立 | bang4 hu4 er2 li4 | to stand close to the door |
傲立 | 傲立 | ao4 li4 | standing proud |
兀立 | 兀立 | wu4 li4 | to stand upright and motionless |
两立 | 兩立 | liang3 li4 | to coexist/ coexistence |
公立 | 公立 | gong1 li4 | public (e.g. school, hospital) |
公立学校 | 公立學校 | gong1 li4 xue2 xiao4 | public school |
册立 | 冊立 | ce4 li4 | to confer a title on (an empress or a prince) |
凡立水 | 凡立水 | fan2 li4 shui3 | varnish (loanword) |
分立 | 分立 | fen1 li4 | to establish as separate entities/ to divide (a company etc) into independent entities/ discrete/ separate/ separation (of powers etc) |
创立 | 創立 | chuang4 li4 | to establish/ to set up/ to found |
创立人 | 創立人 | chuang4 li4 ren2 | founder |
创立者 | 創立者 | chuang4 li4 zhe3 | founder |
2021-05-01, 892👍, 0💬
简体:槽孔 / 繁体:槽孔 / 拼音:cao2 kong3
简体:贻贝 / 繁体:贻贝 / 拼音:yi2 bei4
简体:气炸 / 繁体:气炸 / 拼音:qi4 zha4
简体:威玛拼法 / 繁体:威玛拼法 / 拼音:Wei1 ma3 pin1 fa3
简体:一些 / 繁体:一些 / 拼音:yi1 xie1