
版 [ban3]


汉字:版 / 拼音:ban3

bǎn a register/ block of printing/ edition/ version/ page


中国大百科全书出版社中國大百科全書出版社Zhong1 guo2 Da4 Bai3 ke1 Quan2 shu1 Chu1 ban3 she4Encyclopedia of China Publishing House
修订版修訂版xiu1 ding4 ban3revised edition/ revised version
再版再版zai4 ban3second edition/ reprint
凸版凸版tu1 ban3relief printing plate
凸版印刷凸版印刷tu1 ban3 yin4 shua1relief printing/ typography/ printing with metal plates
凹版凹版ao1 ban3intaglio printing plate (or a print made with it)
出版出版chu1 ban3to publish
出版商出版商chu1 ban3 shang1publisher
出版物出版物chu1 ban3 wu4publications
出版社出版社chu1 ban3 she4publishing house
出版者出版者chu1 ban3 zhe3publisher
刻版刻版ke4 ban3engraved blocks (for printing)
印刷版印刷版yin4 shua1 ban3printing plate/ printed version (of a digital publication)/ printing (as in "1st printing" etc)
印版印版yin4 ban3printing plate
原作版原作版yuan2 zuo4 ban3Urtext edition
原典版原典版yuan2 dian3 ban3(Tw) Urtext edition
商业版本商業版本shang1 ye4 ban3 ben3commercial version (of software)
国家新闻出版广电总局國家新聞出版廣電總局Guo2 jia1 Xin1 wen2 Chu1 ban3 Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) (2013-2018) (abbr. to 廣電總局|广电总局[Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2])
图版圖版tu2 ban3printing plate bearing an image (illustration, photo etc)/ print made with such a plate
孔版印刷孔版印刷kong3 ban3 yin4 shua1screen printing
平版平版ping2 ban3lithographic plate
底版底版di3 ban3(photography) negative/ photographic plate/ (printing) plate/ block
拼版拼版pin1 ban3to typeset/ to make up (printers' plates)
按需出版按需出版an4 xu1 chu1 ban3publishing on demand
排版排版pai2 ban3typesetting
扩版擴版kuo4 ban3to increase the number of pages or the size of the pages of a publication
改版改版gai3 ban3to revise the current edition/ revised edition
数字版权管理數字版權管理Shu4 zi4 Ban3 quan2 Guan3 li3Digital Rights Management (DRM)
新版新版xin1 ban3new edition/ new version
新闻出版总署新聞出版總署Xin1 wen2 Chu1 ban3 Zong3 shu3General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization)




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