
次 [ci4]


汉字:次 / 拼音:ci4

next in sequence/ second/ the second (day, time etc)/ secondary/ vice-/ sub-/ infra-/ inferior quality/ substandard/ order/ sequence/ hypo- (chemistry)/ classifier for enumerated events: time


一次一次yi1 ci4first/ first time/ once/ (math.) linear (of degree one)
一次函数一次函數yi1 ci4 han2 shu4linear function (math.)
一次又一次一次又一次yi1 ci4 you4 yi1 ci4repeatedly/ over and over again
一次性一次性yi1 ci4 xing4one-off (offer)/ one-time/ single-use/ disposable (goods)
一次方程一次方程yi1 ci4 fang1 cheng2linear equation
一次方程式一次方程式yi1 ci4 fang1 cheng2 shi4linear equation (math.)
一次生,两次熟一次生,兩次熟yi1 ci4 sheng1 , liang3 ci4 shu2unfamiliar at first but you get used to it/ strangers are first meeting, but soon friends/ an acquired taste
一次总付一次總付yi1 ci4 zong3 fu4lump-sum (finance)
三次三次san1 ci4third/ three times/ (math.) degree three, cubic (equation)
三次元三次元san1 ci4 yuan2three-dimensional/ the real world (cf. 二次元[er4 ci4 yuan2])
三次幂三次冪san1 ci4 mi4cube (third power, math.)
三次方三次方san1 ci4 fang1cube (third power, math.)
三次方程三次方程san1 ci4 fang1 cheng2cubic equation (math.)
三次曲线三次曲線san1 ci4 qu1 xian4cubic curve (geometry)
三番五次三番五次san1 fan1 wu3 ci4over and over again (idiom)
三番两次三番兩次san1 fan1 liang3 ci4repeatedly (idiom)
上一次当,学一次乖上一次當,學一次乖shang4 yi1 ci4 dang4 , xue2 yi1 ci4 guai1to take sth as a lesson for next time (idiom)/ once bitten, twice shy
上次上次shang4 ci4last time
下一次下一次xia4 yi1 ci4next
下次下次xia4 ci4next time
不止一次不止一次bu4 zhi3 yi1 ci4many times/ on more than one occasion
主次主次zhu3 ci4the important and the less important/ primary and secondary
二次二次er4 ci4second (i.e. number two)/ second time/ twice/ (math.) quadratic (of degree two)
二次世界大战二次世界大戰Er4 ci4 Shi4 jie4 Da4 zhan4World War Two
二次元二次元er4 ci4 yuan2two-dimensional/ the fictional worlds of anime, comics and games
二次函数二次函數er4 ci4 han2 shu4quadratic function
二次型二次型er4 ci4 xing2quadratic form (math.)
二次多项式二次多項式er4 ci4 duo1 xiang4 shi4quadratic polynomial
二次大战二次大戰Er4 ci4 Da4 zhan4World War Two
二次方二次方er4 ci4 fang1square (i.e. x times x)




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