
棉 [mian2]


汉字:棉 / 拼音:mian2

mián generic term for cotton or kapok/ cotton/ padded or quilted with cotton


采棉机採棉機cai3 mian2 ji1cotton picker
月经棉栓月經棉栓yue4 jing1 mian2 shuan1tampon
木棉木棉mu4 mian2cotton tree (Bombax ceiba)
木棉科木棉科mu4 mian2 ke1Bombacaceae (botany)
格子棉布格子棉布ge2 zi5 mian2 bu4gingham
mian2generic term for cotton or kapok/ cotton/ padded or quilted with cotton
棉布棉布mian2 bu4cotton cloth
棉条棉條mian2 tiao2tampon/ sliver (textiles)
棉棒棉棒mian2 bang4cotton swab/ cotton bud
棉毛棉毛mian2 mao2knitted cotton
棉球棉球mian2 qiu2cotton ball/ swab/ tampon
棉田棉田mian2 tian2cotton field
棉签棉簽mian2 qian1variant of 棉籤|棉签[mian2 qian1]/ cotton swab
棉签棉籤mian2 qian1cotton swab
棉纱棉紗mian2 sha1cotton yarn
棉絮棉絮mian2 xu4cotton wadding
棉线棉線mian2 xian4cotton thread/ yarn cotton
棉花棉花mian2 hua5cotton
棉花拳击棉花拳擊mian2 hua1 quan2 ji1Mianhua Quanji - "Cotton Boxing" (Chinese Martial Art)
棉花棒棉花棒mian2 hua1 bang4cotton swab/ cotton bud
棉花糖棉花糖mian2 hua1 tang2cotton candy/ candyfloss/ marshmallow
棉药签棉藥籤mian2 yao4 qian1medical swab
棉兰棉蘭Mian2 lan2Medan (city in Indonesia)
棉兰老岛棉蘭老島Mian2 lan2 lao3 Dao3Mindanao (island in the Philippines)
棉衣棉衣mian2 yi1cotton-padded clothes/ CL:件[jian4]
棉被棉被mian2 bei4comforter/ quilt/ CL:條|条[tiao2],面[mian4]
棉裤棉褲mian2 ku4quilted cotton trousers/ cotton-padded trousers (worn in winter)
棉袄棉襖mian2 ao3cotton-padded jacket
棉豆棉豆mian2 dou4lima bean, aka butter bean (Phaseolus lunatus)
棉铃棉鈴mian2 ling2cotton boll (fruit)




2021-05-20, 377👍, 0💬