
弃 [qi4]


汉字:弃 / 拼音:qi4

to abandon/ to relinquish/ to discard/ to throw away


不离不弃不離不棄bu4 li2 bu4 qi4to stand by (sb) (idiom)/ steadfast loyalty
丢弃丟棄diu1 qi4to discard/ to abandon
偶语弃市偶語棄市ou3 yu3 qi4 shi4chance remarks can lead to public execution (idiom)
前功尽弃前功盡棄qian2 gong1 jin4 qi4to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/ all that has been achieved goes down the drain
割弃割棄ge1 qi4to discard/ to abandon/ to give (sth) up
厌弃厭棄yan4 qi4to spurn/ to reject
可选择丢弃可選擇丟棄ke3 xuan3 ze2 diu1 qi4discard eligible (Frame Relay)/ DE
吐弃吐棄tu3 qi4to spurn/ to reject
唾弃唾棄tuo4 qi4to spurn/ to disdain
嫌弃嫌棄xian2 qi4to regard with disdain/ to shun
废弃廢棄fei4 qi4to discard/ to abandon (old ways)/ to invalidate
扔弃扔棄reng1 qi4to abandon/ to discard/ to throw away
抛弃拋棄pao1 qi4to abandon/ to discard/ to renounce/ to dump (sb)
拚弃拚棄pan4 qi4to abandon/ to discard/ to throw away
捐弃捐棄juan1 qi4to relinquish/ to abandon
舍弃捨棄she3 qi4to give up/ to abandon/ to abort
摒弃摒棄bing4 qi4to abandon/ to discard/ to spurn/ to forsake
摈弃擯棄bin4 qi4to abandon/ to discard/ to cast away
放弃放棄fang4 qi4to renounce/ to abandon/ to give up
故旧不弃故舊不棄gu4 jiu4 bu4 qi4do not neglect old friends
qi4to abandon/ to relinquish/ to discard/ to throw away
弃世棄世qi4 shi4to leave this world/ to die
弃之如敝屣棄之如敝屣qi4 zhi1 ru2 bi4 xi3to toss away like a pair of worn-out shoes (idiom)
弃保潜逃棄保潛逃qi4 bao3 qian2 tao2to jump bail
弃剧棄劇qi4 ju4to quit watching a TV series
弃取棄取qi4 qu3(literary) to choose between rejecting and accepting
弃婴棄嬰qi4 ying1to abandon an infant/ abandoned baby
弃守棄守qi4 shou3to give up defending/ to yield/ to surrender
弃市棄市qi4 shi4public execution (old)
弃恶从善棄惡從善qi4 e4 cong2 shan4to renounce evil and turn to virtue (idiom)




2021-05-05, 572👍, 0💬