
批 [pi1]


汉字:批 / 拼音:pi1

to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches, lots, military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)


分批分批fen1 pi1to do sth in batches or groups
反批评反批評fan3 pi1 ping2countercriticism
严厉批评嚴厲批評yan2 li4 pi1 ping2to criticize severely/ to slate
报批報批bao4 pi1to report for criticism/ to submit for approval to higher authority
大批大批da4 pi1large quantities of
大批特批大批特批da4 pi1 te4 pi1to criticize severly/ to censure
夹批夾批jia1 pi1critical annotations between the lines
妈卖批媽賣批ma1 mai4 pi1(vulgar) your mom's a prostitute (from Sichuan pronunciation of 媽賣屄|妈卖屄[ma1 mai4 bi1])
审批審批shen3 pi1to examine and approve/ to endorse
尖锐批评尖銳批評jian1 rui4 pi1 ping2sharp criticism
建设性的批评建設性的批評jian4 she4 xing4 de5 pi1 ping2constructive criticism
成批成批cheng2 pi1in batches/ in bulk
pi1to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches, lots, military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
批件批件pi1 jian4approved document/ document with written instructions
批假批假pi1 jia4to approve vacation
批价批價pi1 jia4wholesale price/ to settle an account/ to pay a bill
批八字批八字pi1 ba1 zi4to have one's fortune read/ system of fortune telling based on a person's date and time of birth, according to 干支 (sexagenary cycle)
批准批准pi1 zhun3to approve/ to ratify
批准文号批准文號pi1 zhun3 wen2 hao4(drug etc) approval number
批判批判pi1 pan4to criticize/ critique/ CL:個|个[ge4]
批汇批匯pi1 hui4to approve use of foreign currency
批卷批卷pi1 juan4to correct student papers/ to grade exam papers
批命批命pi1 ming4to tell sb's fortune
批哩啪啦批哩啪啦pi1 li5 pa1 la1variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1]
批复批復pi1 fu4to reply officially to a subordinate
批捕批捕pi1 bu3to authorize an arrest
批改批改pi1 gai3to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/ to correct and criticize (an article)/ to check/ to correct/ a correction (to a piece of writing)
批文批文pi1 wen2official written ruling in response to a submission/ official approval in writing
批流年批流年pi1 liu2 nian2to cast sb's yearly horoscope
批发批發pi1 fa1wholesale/ bulk trade/ distribution




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