
急 [ji2]


汉字:急 / 拼音:ji2

urgent/ pressing/ rapid/ hurried/ worried/ to make (sb) anxious


不急之务不急之務bu4 ji2 zhi1 wu4a matter of no great urgency
干着急乾著急gan1 zhao2 ji2to worry helplessly
亚急性亞急性ya4 ji2 xing4subacute
人有三急人有三急ren2 you3 san1 ji2(jocularly) to need to answer the call of nature
便急便急bian4 ji2to need the toilet/ urinary or defecatory urgency
倒悬之急倒懸之急dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ji2lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/ dire straits
内急內急nei4 ji2to need to answer the call of nature
别着急別著急bie2 zhao2 ji2Don't worry!
加急加急jia1 ji2to become more urgent/ more rapid/ urgent/ to handle a matter urgently
劲急勁急jing4 ji2strong and swift
十万火急十萬火急shi2 wan4 huo3 ji2most urgent/ posthaste/ express
危急危急wei1 ji2critical/ desperate (situation)
告急告急gao4 ji2to be in a state of emergency/ to report an emergency/ to ask for emergency assistance
喉急喉急hou2 ji2variant of 猴急[hou2 ji2]
严重急性呼吸系统综合症嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症yan2 zhong4 ji2 xing4 hu1 xi1 xi4 tong3 zong1 he2 zheng4severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
场区应急場區應急chang3 qu1 ying4 ji2site area emergency (nuclear facility emergency classification)
场外应急場外應急chang3 wai4 ying4 ji2general emergency (or "off-site emergency") (nuclear facility emergency classification)
尿急尿急niao4 ji2urinary urgency
心急心急xin1 ji2anxious/ impatient
心急吃不了热豆腐心急吃不了熱豆腐xin1 ji2 chi1 bu5 liao3 re4 dou4 fu5hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom)/ one just has to be patient/ haste will ruin everything
心急火燎心急火燎xin1 ji2 huo3 liao3to burn with anxiety
ji2urgent/ pressing/ rapid/ hurried/ worried/ to make (sb) anxious
急不可待急不可待ji2 bu4 ke3 dai4impatient/ eager to/ anxious to
急不可耐急不可耐ji2 bu4 ke3 nai4unable to wait
急中生智急中生智ji2 zhong1 sheng1 zhi4quick witted in an emergency/ able to react resourcefully
急人之难急人之難ji2 ren2 zhi1 nan4anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom)
急促急促ji2 cu4urgent/ hurried and brief/ rushing
急先锋急先鋒ji2 xian1 feng1daring vanguard/ pioneer/ leading figure
急公好义急公好義ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4public-spirited
急切急切ji2 qie4eager/ impatient




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