
域 [yu4]


汉字:域 / 拼音:yu4

field/ region/ area/ domain (taxonomy)


一点邻域一點鄰域yi1 dian3 lin2 yu4(math.) neighborhood of a point
上域上域shang4 yu4codomain of a function (math.)
仁川广域市仁川廣域市Ren2 chuan1 Guang3 yu4 shi4Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea
代数数域代數數域dai4 shu4 shu4 yu4algebraic number field (math.)
值域值域zhi2 yu4image (or range) of a function (math.)
光州广域市光州廣域市Guang1 zhou1 guang3 yu4 shi4Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea
两河流域兩河流域liang3 he2 liu2 yu4Mesopotamia
区域區域qu1 yu4area/ region/ district
区域性區域性qu1 yu4 xing4regional
区域码區域碼qu1 yu4 ma3region code (DVD)
区域网络區域網絡qu1 yu4 wang3 luo4local area network/ LAN
区域网路區域網路qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4local area network/ LAN
区域网路技术區域網路技術qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4 ji4 shu4LAN technology
南亚区域合作联盟南亞區域合作聯盟Nan2 Ya4 Qu1 yu4 He2 zuo4 Lian2 meng2South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
商域商域shang1 yu4field of fractions (math.)
地域地域di4 yu4area/ district/ region
城域网城域網cheng2 yu4 wang3metropolitan area network
城市区域城市區域cheng2 shi4 qu1 yu4urban area/ city district
yu4field/ region/ area/ domain (taxonomy)
域名域名yu4 ming2domain name (computing)
域名抢注域名搶注yu4 ming2 qiang3 zhu4cybersquatting/ domain squatting
域名服务器域名服務器yu4 ming2 fu2 wu4 qi4domain name server
域名编码域名編碼Yu4 ming2 Bian1 ma3Punycode (encoding for internationalized domain names) (abbr. for 國際化域名編碼|国际化域名编码[Guo2 ji4 hua4 Yu4 ming2 Bian1 ma3])
域名注册域名註冊yu4 ming2 zhu4 ce4domain name registration
域外域外yu4 wai4outside the country/ abroad/ foreign/ extraterritorial
域多利皇后域多利皇后Yu4 duo1 li4 huang2 hou4Queen Victoria (1819-1901), reigned 1837-1901
墨累达令流域墨累達令流域Mo4 lei4 Da2 ling4 liu2 yu4Murray-Darling river system in the southeast of Australia
大唐西域记大唐西域記Da4 Tang2 Xi1 yu4 Ji4Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, travel record of Xuan Zang 玄奘[Xuan2 zang4], compiled by 辯機|辩机[Bian4 ji1] in 646
大湄公河次区域大湄公河次區域Da4 Mei2 gong1 he2 ci4 qu1 yu4Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), area of economic cooperation between China and Vietnam
大湄公河次区域合作大湄公河次區域合作Da4 Mei2 gong1 he2 ci4 qu1 yu4 he2 zuo4Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), economic cooperation program between China and Vietnam




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