
野 [ye3]


汉字:野 / 拼音:ye3

old variant of 野[ye3]


上野上野Shang4 ye3Ueno, district in Taitō Ward, Tokyo/ Ueno (Japanese surname)
下野下野xia4 ye3to step down from office/ to go into opposition
世界野生生物基金会世界野生生物基金會Shi4 jie4 Ye3 sheng1 Sheng1 wu4 Ji1 jin1 hui4World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
中野中野Zhong1 ye3Nakano (Japanese surname and place name)
九野九野jiu3 ye3the nine "fields" into which Heaven was anciently divided/ the Nine Provinces of ancient China
佐野佐野Zuo3 ye3Sano (Japanese surname and place name)
分野分野fen1 ye3dividing line between distinct realms/ boundary/ field-allocation (in Chinese astrology, the association between celestial regions and corresponding terrestrial realms)
半视野半視野ban4 shi4 ye3half visual field
博野博野Bo2 ye3Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
博野县博野縣Bo2 ye3 xian4Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
原野原野yuan2 ye3plain/ open country
吉野吉野Ji2 ye3Yoshino (Japanese surname and place name)
吉野家吉野家Ji2 ye3 jia1Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)
哀鸿遍野哀鴻遍野ai1 hong2 bian4 ye3lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims/ starving people fill the land
在野在野zai4 ye3to be out of (political) office/ to be out of power
在野党在野黨zai4 ye3 dang3opposition party
ye3old variant of 野[ye3]
坚壁清野堅壁清野jian1 bi4 qing1 ye3to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom); to leave nothing for the invader/ scorched earth policy
ye3erroneous variant of 野[ye3]
大野大野Da4 ye3Ōno (Japanese surname and place name)
大野狼大野狼da4 ye3 lang2big bad wolf
孤魂野鬼孤魂野鬼gu1 hun2 ye3 gui3wandering ghosts without living descendants to pray for them (idiom)/ person who has no family or friends to rely on
定向越野定向越野ding4 xiang4 yue4 ye3cross-country orienteering
家花没有野花香家花沒有野花香jia1 hua1 mei2 you3 ye3 hua1 xiang1lit. the flowers in one's garden cannot match the fragrance of wild flowers (idiom)/ fig. other women seem more attractive than one's own partner/ the grass is always greener on the other side
富良野富良野Fu4 liang2 ye3Furano, Hokkaidō, Japan
小野小野Xiao3 ye3Ono (Japanese surname and place name)
小野不由美小野不由美Xiao3 ye3 Bu4 you2 mei3Ono Fuyumi (1960-), Japanese novelist
山野山野shan1 ye3mountain and fields
巨野巨野Ju4 ye3Juye county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong
巨野县巨野縣Ju4 ye3 xian4Juye county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong




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