
否 [fou3 pi3]


汉字:否 / 拼音:fou3 pi3

fǒu to negate/ to deny/ not
clogged/ evil


不置可否不置可否bu4 zhi4 ke3 fou3decline to comment/ not express an opinion/ be noncommittal/ hedge
可否可否ke3 fou3is it possible or not?
fou3to negate/ to deny/ not
pi3clogged/ evil
否则否則fou3 ze2if not/ otherwise/ else/ or else
否定否定fou3 ding4to negate/ to deny/ to reject/ negative (answer)/ negation
否定句否定句fou3 ding4 ju4negative sentence
否有效否有效fou3 you3 xiao4inefficient
否极泰来否極泰來pi3 ji2 tai4 lai2extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)
否决否決fou3 jue2to veto/ to overrule
否决权否決權fou3 jue2 quan2veto power
否决票否決票fou3 jue2 piao4veto
否认否認fou3 ren4to declare to be untrue/ to deny
是否是否shi4 fou3whether (or not)/ if/ is or isn't
会否會否hui4 fou3can or cannot/ is it possible?
未置可否未置可否wei4 zhi4 ke3 fou3to refuse to comment/ same as 不置可否
真否定句真否定句zhen1 fou3 ding4 ju4true negative (TN)
矢口否认矢口否認shi3 kou3 fou3 ren4to deny flatly
能否能否neng2 fou3whether or not/ can it or can't it/ is it possible?
与否與否yu3 fou3whether or not (at the end of a phrase)



2021-05-26, 419👍, 0💬