
受 [shou4]


汉字:受 / 拼音:shou4

shòu to receive/ to accept/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to bear/ to stand/ pleasant/ (passive marker)


不受欢迎不受歡迎bu4 shou4 huan1 ying2unwelcome
不堪忍受不堪忍受bu4 kan1 ren3 shou4unbearable
不好受不好受bu4 hao3 shou4unpleasant/ hard to take
不幸受害不幸受害bu4 xing4 shou4 hai4the unfortunate injured (party)/ a victim
不耐受不耐受bu4 nai4 shou4intolerance (for lactose, gluten or other foods)
享受享受xiang3 shou4to enjoy/ to live it up/ pleasure/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
人工受孕人工受孕ren2 gong1 shou4 yun4artificial insemination
代人受过代人受過dai4 ren2 shou4 guo4to take the blame for sb else/ to be made a scapegoat
健康受损健康受損jian4 kang1 shou4 sun3health damage
备受備受bei4 shou4to fully experience (good or bad)
传道受业傳道受業chuan2 dao4 shou4 ye4to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction
免受免受mian3 shou4to avoid suffering/ to prevent (sth bad)/ to protect against (damage)/ immunity (from prosecution)/ freedom (from pain, damage etc)/ exempt from punishment
免受伤害免受傷害mian3 shou4 shang1 hai4to avoid damage
shou4to receive/ to accept/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to bear/ to stand/ pleasant/ (passive marker)
受不了受不了shou4 bu4 liao3unbearable/ unable to endure/ can't stand
受主受主shou4 zhu3acceptor (semiconductor)
受事受事shou4 shi4object (of a transitive verb)/ to receive a task
受享受享shou4 xiang3to enjoy
受任受任shou4 ren4appointment (to a job)/ to be appointed (to high office)/ to accept an appointment/ entrusted with responsibilities/ same as 授任
受保人受保人shou4 bao3 ren2the insured person/ the person covered by an insurance policy
受俸受俸shou4 feng4to receive an official's salary
受伤受傷shou4 shang1to sustain injuries/ wounded (in an accident etc)/ harmed
受雇受僱shou4 gu4to be employed/ to be hired/ hired/ paid
受冻挨饿受凍挨餓shou4 dong4 ai2 e4to go cold and hungry
受刑受刑shou4 xing2beaten/ tortured/ executed
受刑人受刑人shou4 xing2 ren2person being executed/ victim of corporal punishment/ person serving a sentence
受到受到shou4 dao4to receive (praise, an education, punishment etc)/ to be ...ed (praised, educated, punished etc)
受制受制shou4 zhi4controlled (by sb)/ to suffer under a yoke
受取受取shou4 qu3to accept/ to receive
受命受命shou4 ming4ordained or appointed to a post/ to benefit from counsel




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