
卵 [luan3]


汉字:卵 / 拼音:luan3

luǎn egg/ ovum/ spawn/ (coll.) testicles/ (old) penis/ (expletive) fucking


事危累卵事危累卵shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
以卵击石以卵擊石yi3 luan3 ji1 shi2lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible/ to invite disaster by overreaching oneself
危如累卵危如累卵wei1 ru2 lei3 luan3precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); ready to fall and break at any moment/ in a dangerous state
luan3egg/ ovum/ spawn/ (coll.) testicles/ (old) penis/ (expletive) fucking
卵圆卵圓luan3 yuan2oval/ ellipse
卵圆形卵圓形luan3 yuan2 xing2oval/ ellipsoidal
卵圆窗卵圓窗luan3 yuan2 chuang1oval window between middle and inner ear
卵子卵子luan3 zi3ovum
卵子卵子luan3 zi5testicles/ penis
卵巢卵巢luan3 chao2ovary
卵巢窝卵巢窩luan3 chao2 wo1ovary
卵形卵形luan3 xing2oval/ egg-shaped (leaves in botany)
卵模卵模luan3 mo2ootype (site of egg composition in flatworm biology)
卵母细胞卵母細胞luan3 mu3 xi4 bao1egg cell
卵泡卵泡luan3 pao4follicle
卵用鸡卵用雞luan3 yong4 ji1laying hen
卵石卵石luan3 shi2cobble/ pebble
卵磷脂卵磷脂luan3 lin2 zhi1lecithin (phospholipid found in egg yolk)
卵精巢卵精巢luan3 jing1 chao2ovaries and testes
卵裂卵裂luan3 lie4cleavage of fertilized ovum into cells
卵黄卵黃luan3 huang2egg yolk
卵黄囊卵黃囊luan3 huang2 nang2yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)
卵黄管卵黃管luan3 huang2 guan3vitelline duct
卵黄腺卵黃腺luan3 huang2 xian4vitelline glands/ vitellaria (in biology)
受精卵受精卵shou4 jing1 luan3fertilized ovum
同卵同卵tong2 luan3(of twins) identical/ monozygotic
同卵双胞胎同卵雙胞胎tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1identical twins
孵卵孵卵fu1 luan3to hatch/ to brood
排卵排卵pai2 luan3to ovulate
杀鸡取卵殺雞取卵sha1 ji1 qu3 luan3lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom)/ fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs




2021-05-01, 350👍, 0💬