
元 [Yuan2 yuan2]


汉字:元 / 拼音:Yuan2 yuan2

yuán surname Yuan/ the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
yuán currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan)/ first/ original/ primary/ fundamental/ constituent/ part/ era (of a reign)/ meta- (prefix)/ (math.) argument/ variable/ (Tw) (geology) eon


一元一元yi1 yuan2single variable (math.)/ univariate
一元化一元化yi1 yuan2 hua4integration/ integrated/ unified
一元复始一元復始yi1 yuan2 fu4 shi3a new year begins (idiom)
一元论一元論yi1 yuan2 lun4monism, belief that the universe is made of a single substance
一元醇一元醇yi1 yuan2 chun2methyl alcohol CH3OH
三元区三元區San1 yuan2 qu1Sanyuan district of Sanming city 三明市[San1 ming2 shi4], Fujian
三元运算三元運算san1 yuan2 yun4 suan4ternary operator (computing)
三元醇三元醇san1 yuan2 chun2propyl alcohol C3H7OH
三元音三元音san1 yuan2 yin1triphthong (such as putonghua uei etc)
三十二位元三十二位元san1 shi2 er4 wei4 yuan232-bit (computing)
三次元三次元san1 ci4 yuan2three-dimensional/ the real world (cf. 二次元[er4 ci4 yuan2])
不定元不定元bu4 ding4 yuan2indeterminate element (math.), often denoted by x
中元中元Zhong1 yuan2Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased
中元普渡中元普渡zhong1 yuan2 pu3 du4Ghosts' festival on 15th day of 7th moon
中元节中元節Zhong1 yuan2 jie2Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased
中间神经元中間神經元zhong1 jian1 shen2 jing1 yuan2interneuron
二元二元er4 yuan2duality/ dual/ bipolar/ binary
二元论二元論er4 yuan2 lun4dualism, belief that the universe is made of two different substance (e.g. mind and matter or good and evil)
二元醇二元醇er4 yuan2 chun2ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
二次元二次元er4 ci4 yuan2two-dimensional/ the fictional worlds of anime, comics and games
五灯会元五燈會元Wu3 deng1 Hui4 yuan2Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism in China (1252), 20 scrolls
人民币元人民幣元ren2 min2 bi4 yuan2renminbi yuan (RMB), PRC currency unit
位元位元wei4 yuan2bit (computing)
位元币位元幣Wei4 yuan2 bi4Bitcoin
位元组位元組wei4 yuan2 zu3byte (computing)
像元像元xiang4 yuan2pixel (remote sensing imagery)
Yuan2surname Yuan/ the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
yuan2currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan)/ first/ original/ primary/ fundamental/ constituent/ part/ era (of a reign)/ meta- (prefix)/ (math.) argument/ variable/ (Tw) (geology) eon
元世祖元世祖Yuan2 Shi4 zu3lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294
元代元代Yuan2 dai4the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)




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