
鬆 [song1]


汉字:鬆 / 拼音:song1

sōng loose/ to loosen/ to relax/ floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)


丙酸氟替卡松丙酸氟替卡鬆bing3 suan1 fu2 ti4 ka3 song1fluticasone propionate
嘴松嘴鬆zui3 song1loose-tongued
宽松寬鬆kuan1 song1to relax (policy)/ relaxed
小松糕小鬆糕xiao3 song1 gao1muffin
惺松惺鬆xing1 song1variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1]
手松手鬆shou3 song1liberal with one's money/ free-spending
放松放鬆fang4 song1to loosen/ to relax
疏松疏鬆shu1 song1to loosen
石松石鬆shi2 song1Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)
稀松稀鬆xi1 song1poor/ sloppy/ unconcerned/ heedless/ lax/ unimportant/ trivial/ loose/ porous
稀松骨质稀鬆骨質xi1 song1 gu3 zhi4cancellous bone/ trabecular bone/ spongy bone
肉松肉鬆rou4 song1meat floss/ shredded dried pork
肌肉松弛剂肌肉鬆弛劑ji1 rou4 song1 chi2 ji4muscle relaxant (medicine)
蓬松蓬鬆peng2 song1fluffy
轻松輕鬆qing1 song1light/ gentle/ relaxed/ effortless/ uncomplicated/ to relax/ to take things less seriously
酥松酥鬆su1 song1loose (soil, or limbs of a relaxed person etc)/ flaky (pastry etc)
酥松油脂酥鬆油脂su1 song1 you2 zhi1shortening (fat used in cooking cakes)
量化宽松量化寬鬆liang4 hua4 kuan1 song1quantitative easing (finance)
骨质疏松骨質疏鬆gu3 zhi4 shu1 song1osteoporosis
骨质疏松症骨質疏鬆症gu3 zhi4 shu1 song1 zheng4osteoporosis
song1loose/ to loosen/ to relax/ floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)
松一口气鬆一口氣song1 yi1 kou3 qi4to heave a sigh of relief
松动鬆動song1 dong4loose/ slack/ (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice)/ to give some slack/ (of a place) not crowded
松口鬆口song1 kou3to let go of sth held in one's mouth/ (fig.) to relent/ to yield
松嘴鬆嘴song1 zui3see 鬆口|松口[song1 kou3]
松土鬆土song1 tu3to plow (loosen the soil)
松垮鬆垮song1 kua3undisciplined/ loose/ slack
松弛鬆弛song1 chi2to relax/ relaxed/ limp/ lax
松弛法鬆弛法song1 chi2 fa3relaxation (alternative medicine)
松快鬆快song1 kuai5less crowded/ relieved/ relaxed/ to relax




2021-04-20, 575👍, 0💬