
驚 [jing1]


汉字:驚 / 拼音:jing1

jīng to startle/ to be frightened/ to be scared/ alarm


一夕数惊一夕數驚yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1one scare after another (idiom)/ in a constant state of tension
一惊一乍一驚一乍yi1 jing1 yi1 zha4frightened/ flustered
一鸣惊人一鳴驚人yi1 ming2 jing1 ren2to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity
二刻拍案惊奇二刻拍案驚奇Er4 ke4 Pai1 an4 Jing1 qi2Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part II), second of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]
令人吃惊令人吃驚ling4 ren2 chi1 jing1to shock/ to amaze
出惊出驚chu1 jing1see 吃驚|吃惊[chi1 jing1]
初刻拍案惊奇初刻拍案驚奇Chu1 ke4 Pai1 an4 Jing1 qi2Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]
动魄惊心動魄驚心dong4 po4 jing1 xin1shaking one to the core (idiom); extremely disturbing/ shattering/ hair-raising
受宠若惊受寵若驚shou4 chong3 ruo4 jing1overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
受惊受驚shou4 jing1startled
可惊可驚ke3 jing1astonishing
吃惊吃驚chi1 jing1to be startled/ to be shocked/ to be amazed
夜惊夜驚ye4 jing1night terror/ sleep terror
大吃一惊大吃一驚da4 chi1 yi1 jing1to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled/ gobsmacked
大惊大驚da4 jing1with great alarm
大惊失色大驚失色da4 jing1 shi1 se4to turn pale with fright (idiom)
大惊小怪大驚小怪da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4to make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
天惊石破天驚石破tian1 jing1 shi2 po4see 石破天驚|石破天惊[shi2 po4 tian1 jing1]
平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊平生不做虧心事,半夜敲門心不驚ping2 sheng1 bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 , ban4 ye4 qiao1 men2 xin1 bu4 jing1He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night./ Rest with a clear conscience.
徒自惊扰徒自驚擾tu2 zi4 jing1 rao3to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom)
心惊心驚xin1 jing1fearful/ apprehensive
心惊肉跳心驚肉跳xin1 jing1 rou4 tiao4lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of disaster
心惊胆战心驚膽戰xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/ scared witless
心惊胆颤心驚膽顫xin1 jing1 dan3 chan4see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]
怵目惊心怵目驚心chu4 mu4 jing1 xin1lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking/ horrible to see/ a ghastly sight/ also written 觸目驚心|触目惊心
打草惊蛇打草驚蛇da3 cao3 jing1 she2lit. beat the grass to scare the snake (idiom)/ fig. to inadvertently alert an enemy/ to punish sb as a warning to others
拍案惊奇拍案驚奇pai1 an4 jing1 qi2to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful!/ amazing!
担惊受怕擔驚受怕dan1 jing1 shou4 pa4to feel apprehensive/ to be alarmed
有惊无险有驚無險you3 jing1 wu2 xian3to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/ to get through a daunting experience without mishap
石破天惊石破天驚shi2 po4 tian1 jing1earth-shattering/ breakthrough/ remarkable and original work




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