
骚 [sao1]


汉字:骚 / 拼音:sao1

sāo trouble/ disturbance/ rumpus/ flirty/ coquettish/ abbr. for 離騷|离骚[Li2 Sao1]/ literary writings/ smell of urine/ foul smell/ male (animal) (dialect)


喧哗与骚动喧嘩與騷動Xuan1 hua2 yu3 Sao1 dong4The Sound and the Fury (novel by William Faulkner 威廉·福克納|威廉·福克纳[Wei1 lian2 · Fu2 ke4 na4])
性骚扰性騷擾xing4 sao1 rao3sexual harassment
闷骚悶騷men1 sao1(coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside
拿骚拿騷Na2 sao1Nassau, capital of The Bahamas
满腹牢骚滿腹牢騷man3 fu4 lao2 sao1lit. belly full of complaints (idiom)/ discontent/ always moaning and complaining
牢骚牢騷lao2 sao1discontent/ complaint/ to complain
独领风骚獨領風騷du2 ling3 feng1 sao1most outstanding/ par excellence
发牢骚發牢騷fa1 lao2 sao1to whine/ to be grouchy
发骚發騷fa1 sao1horny/ lecherous
离骚離騷Li2 Sao1On Encountering Sorrow, poem by Qu Yuan 屈原[Qu1 Yuan2] in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞[Chu3 ci2]
风骚風騷feng1 sao1literary excellence/ flirtatious behavior
sao1trouble/ disturbance/ rumpus/ flirty/ coquettish/ abbr. for 離騷|离骚[Li2 Sao1]/ literary writings/ smell of urine/ foul smell/ male (animal) (dialect)
骚乱騷亂sao1 luan4disturbance/ riot/ to create a disturbance
骚乱者騷亂者sao1 luan4 zhe3a rioter
骚动騷動sao1 dong4disturbance/ uproar/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ to become restless
骚包騷包sao1 bao1(slang) alluring/ showy/ flashy and enticing person/ painted Jezebel
骚味騷味sao1 wei4foul smell
骚客騷客sao1 ke4(literary) poet/ literati
骚情騷情sao1 qing2frivolous/ flirtatious
骚扰騷擾sao1 rao3to disturb/ to cause a commotion/ to harass
骚扰客蚤騷擾客蚤sao1 rao3 ke4 zao3Xenopsylla vexabilis
骚搅騷攪sao1 jiao3to disturb/ to pester
骚然騷然sao1 ran2turbulent
骚瑞騷瑞sao1 rui4sorry (loanword)
骚话騷話sao1 hua4obscenities/ lewd talk
骚货騷貨sao1 huo4loose woman/ slut
骚驴騷驢sao1 lu:2jackass
骚体騷體sao1 ti3poetry in the style of 離騷|离骚[Li2 Sao1]
骚闹騷鬧sao1 nao4noisy/ a racket



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