
骑 [ji4 qi2]


汉字:骑 / 拼音:ji4 qi2

(Tw) saddle horse/ mounted soldier
to sit astride/ to ride (a horse, bike etc)/ classifier for saddle horses


势成骑虎勢成騎虎shi4 cheng2 qi2 hu3if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway
坐骑坐騎zuo4 qi2saddle horse/ mount
宦骑宦騎huan4 qi2horse guard/ imperial cavalry guard (of officials or eunuchs)
皇家骑警皇家騎警huang2 jia1 qi2 jing3Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian federal and national police force/ Mounties
轻骑輕騎qing1 qi2light cavalry/ light motorcycle/ moped
游侠骑士遊俠騎士you2 xia2 qi2 shi4a knight-errant
铁骑鐵騎tie3 qi2armored horses/ crack horsemen
香轮宝骑香輪寶騎xiang1 lun2 bao3 qi2magnificent carriage and precious horses (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle/ ostentatious display of luxury
ji4(Tw) saddle horse/ mounted soldier
qi2to sit astride/ to ride (a horse, bike etc)/ classifier for saddle horses
骑兵騎兵qi2 bing1cavalry
骑土騎土qi2 tu3knight/ chevallier/ chivalrous
骑坐騎坐qi2 zuo4to sit astride/ to ride
骑士騎士qi2 shi4horseman/ cavalryman/ knight (i.e. European nobility)/ (Tw) bike rider (scooter, bicycle etc)
骑士气概騎士氣概qi2 shi4 qi4 gai4chivalry
骑士风格騎士風格qi2 shi4 feng1 ge2knighthood
骑射騎射qi2 she4equestrian archery/ riding and shooting
骑师騎師qi2 shi1jockey/ horse rider/ horseman/ equestrian
骑手騎手qi2 shou3horse rider/ equestrian/ jockey/ bike rider
骑枪騎槍qi2 qiang1carbine/ lance
骑楼騎樓qi2 lou2arcade (architecture)
骑墙騎牆qi2 qiang2to sit on the fence/ to take both sides in a dispute
骑田岭騎田嶺Qi2 tian2 ling3Qitian mountain range between south Hunan and Guangdong
骑脖子拉屎騎脖子拉屎qi2 bo2 zi5 la1 shi3lit. to take a dump while riding on sb's shoulders (idiom)/ fig. to treat sb like garbage
骑虎难下騎虎難下qi2 hu3 nan2 xia4if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway
骑行騎行qi2 xing2to ride (a bicycle, horse, motorbike etc)/ cycling/ horseback riding/ motorbike riding/ a ride/ CL:次[ci4]
骑术騎術qi2 shu4equestrianism/ horsemanship
骑警騎警qi2 jing3mounted police (on horse or motorbike)
骑警队騎警隊qi2 jing3 dui4mounted police detachment (on horse or motorbike)
骑车騎車qi2 che1to ride a bike (motorbike or bicycle)




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