
灵 [ling2]


汉字:灵 / 拼音:ling2

líng quick/ alert/ efficacious/ effective/ to come true/ spirit/ departed soul/ coffin


一个幽灵在欧洲游荡一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩Yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 Ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa./ the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"
一灵真性一靈真性yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4soul/ spirit
不灵不靈bu4 ling2not work/ be ineffective
二斑百灵二斑百靈er4 ban1 bai3 ling2(bird species of China) bimaculated lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata)
亚洲短趾百灵亞洲短趾百靈Ya4 zhou1 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2(bird species of China) Asian short-toed lark (Alaudala cheleensis)
亡灵亡靈wang2 ling2departed spirit
人杰地灵人傑地靈ren2 jie2 di4 ling2illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son
信息灵通信息靈通xin4 xi5 ling2 tong1see 消息靈通|消息灵通[xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1]
冥顽不灵冥頑不靈ming2 wan2 bu4 ling2stupid/ stubborn/ pigheaded
利他灵利他靈Li4 ta1 ling2Ritalin (brand name)/ methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/ also written 利他林[Li4 ta1 lin2]
古灵精怪古靈精怪gu3 ling2 jing1 guai4weird/ bizarre
周转不灵周轉不靈zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 ling2to have a cash flow problem
哈灵根哈靈根ha1 ling2 gen1Harlingen, the Netherlands
哭灵哭靈ku1 ling2to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead
四灵四靈si4 ling2four divinities/ four divine emperors/ four mythical creatures symbolic of prosperity and longevity, namely the phoenix 鳳|凤[feng4], turtle 龜|龟[gui1], dragon 龍|龙[long2] and Chinese unicorn 麒麟[qi2 lin2]/ also 四象[si4 xiang4], the four division of the sky
图灵圖靈Tu2 ling2Alan Turing (1912-1954), English mathematician, considered as the father of computer science
图灵奖圖靈獎Tu2 ling2 jiang3Turing Award
在天之灵在天之靈zai4 tian1 zhi1 ling2soul and spirit of the deceased
大短趾百灵大短趾百靈da4 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2(bird species of China) greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)
失灵失靈shi1 ling2out of order (of machine)/ not working properly/ a failing (of a system)
威灵威靈wei1 ling2authority/ prestige/ supernatural spirit
威灵顿威靈頓Wei1 ling2 dun4Wellington, capital of New Zealand (Tw)/ Wellington (name)/ Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (1769-1851)
守灵守靈shou3 ling2to keep watch beside a coffin
小精灵小精靈xiao3 jing1 ling2elf
小灵通小靈通Xiao3 Ling2 tong1Personal Handy-phone System (PHS), mobile network system operating in China 1998-2013, branded "Little Smart"
属灵屬靈shu3 ling2spiritual
山青水灵山青水靈shan1 qing1 shui3 ling2green mountains and vivacious waters (idiom)/ lush and lively scenery
幽灵幽靈you1 ling2specter/ apparition/ ghost
广灵廣靈Guang3 ling2Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi
广灵县廣靈縣Guang3 ling2 xian4Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi




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