灵 [ling2]
汉字:灵 / 拼音:ling2
灵 | |||
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异体 | 霊 霛 灵 靈 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一个幽灵在欧洲游荡 | 一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩 | Yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 Ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4 | Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa./ the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto" |
一灵真性 | 一靈真性 | yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4 | soul/ spirit |
不灵 | 不靈 | bu4 ling2 | not work/ be ineffective |
二斑百灵 | 二斑百靈 | er4 ban1 bai3 ling2 | (bird species of China) bimaculated lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata) |
亚洲短趾百灵 | 亞洲短趾百靈 | Ya4 zhou1 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2 | (bird species of China) Asian short-toed lark (Alaudala cheleensis) |
亡灵 | 亡靈 | wang2 ling2 | departed spirit |
人杰地灵 | 人傑地靈 | ren2 jie2 di4 ling2 | illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son |
信息灵通 | 信息靈通 | xin4 xi5 ling2 tong1 | see 消息靈通|消息灵通[xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1] |
冥顽不灵 | 冥頑不靈 | ming2 wan2 bu4 ling2 | stupid/ stubborn/ pigheaded |
利他灵 | 利他靈 | Li4 ta1 ling2 | Ritalin (brand name)/ methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/ also written 利他林[Li4 ta1 lin2] |
古灵精怪 | 古靈精怪 | gu3 ling2 jing1 guai4 | weird/ bizarre |
周转不灵 | 周轉不靈 | zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 ling2 | to have a cash flow problem |
哈灵根 | 哈靈根 | ha1 ling2 gen1 | Harlingen, the Netherlands |
哭灵 | 哭靈 | ku1 ling2 | to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead |
四灵 | 四靈 | si4 ling2 | four divinities/ four divine emperors/ four mythical creatures symbolic of prosperity and longevity, namely the phoenix 鳳|凤[feng4], turtle 龜|龟[gui1], dragon 龍|龙[long2] and Chinese unicorn 麒麟[qi2 lin2]/ also 四象[si4 xiang4], the four division of the sky |
图灵 | 圖靈 | Tu2 ling2 | Alan Turing (1912-1954), English mathematician, considered as the father of computer science |
图灵奖 | 圖靈獎 | Tu2 ling2 jiang3 | Turing Award |
在天之灵 | 在天之靈 | zai4 tian1 zhi1 ling2 | soul and spirit of the deceased |
大短趾百灵 | 大短趾百靈 | da4 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2 | (bird species of China) greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla) |
失灵 | 失靈 | shi1 ling2 | out of order (of machine)/ not working properly/ a failing (of a system) |
威灵 | 威靈 | wei1 ling2 | authority/ prestige/ supernatural spirit |
威灵顿 | 威靈頓 | Wei1 ling2 dun4 | Wellington, capital of New Zealand (Tw)/ Wellington (name)/ Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (1769-1851) |
守灵 | 守靈 | shou3 ling2 | to keep watch beside a coffin |
小精灵 | 小精靈 | xiao3 jing1 ling2 | elf |
小灵通 | 小靈通 | Xiao3 Ling2 tong1 | Personal Handy-phone System (PHS), mobile network system operating in China 1998-2013, branded "Little Smart" |
属灵 | 屬靈 | shu3 ling2 | spiritual |
山青水灵 | 山青水靈 | shan1 qing1 shui3 ling2 | green mountains and vivacious waters (idiom)/ lush and lively scenery |
幽灵 | 幽靈 | you1 ling2 | specter/ apparition/ ghost |
广灵 | 廣靈 | Guang3 ling2 | Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi |
广灵县 | 廣靈縣 | Guang3 ling2 xian4 | Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi |
2021-04-27, 518👍, 0💬
简体:中山狼传 / 繁体:中山狼传 / 拼音:Zhong1 shan1 Lang2 Zhuan4
汉字:㤙 / 拼音:en1
简体:苠 / 繁体:苠 / 拼音:min2
简体:咸 / 繁体:咸 / 拼音:xian2
简体:欺诈 / 繁体:欺诈 / 拼音:qi1 zha4