
锣 [luo2]


汉字:锣 / 拼音:luo2

luó gong/ CL:面[mian4]


厮锣廝鑼si1 luo2small gong
敲打锣鼓敲打鑼鼓qiao1 da3 luo2 gu3lit. to beat a gong; fig. to irritate sb/ a provocation
敲锣敲鑼qiao1 luo2to beat a gong
敲锣边儿敲鑼邊兒qiao1 luo2 bian1 er5to strike the edge of the gong/ (fig.) to stir the pot (i.e. cause or exacerbate a dispute)
当面锣,对面鼓當面鑼,對面鼓dang1 mian4 luo2 , dui4 mian4 gu3lit. gong facing gong, drum opposite drum (idiom)/ fig. to come together to thrash out the issue face to face
终场锣声終場鑼聲zhong1 chang3 luo2 sheng1the final bell (esp. in sports competition)
听话听声,锣鼓听音聽話聽聲,鑼鼓聽音ting1 hua4 ting1 sheng1 , luo2 gu3 ting1 yin1to understand the unspoken implications (idiom)
铜锣銅鑼Tong2 luo2Tongluo or Tunglo township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
铜锣銅鑼tong2 luo2gong
铜锣湾銅鑼灣Tong2 luo2 Wan1Causeway Bay
铜锣烧銅鑼燒tong2 luo2 shao1dorayaki (a Japanese confection)
铜锣乡銅鑼鄉Tong2 luo2 xiang1Tongluo or Tunglo township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
luo2gong/ CL:面[mian4]
锣声鑼聲luo2 sheng1sound of gong
锣鼓鑼鼓luo2 gu3gongs and drums/ Chinese percussion instruments
锣鼓点鑼鼓點luo2 gu3 dian3Chinese percussion fixed pattern/ percussion rhythm
锣齐鼓不齐鑼齊鼓不齊luo2 qi2 gu3 bu4 qi2not well coordinated (idiom)
开台锣鼓開臺鑼鼓kai1 tai2 luo2 gu3opening gong/ gong strokes announcing start of opera performance
开锣開鑼kai1 luo2to beat the gong to open a performance
开锣喝道開鑼喝道kai1 luo2 he4 dao4to clear a street by banging gongs and shouting loudly (idiom)
鸣锣鳴鑼ming2 luo2to beat a gong
鸣锣开道鳴鑼開道ming2 luo2 kai1 dao4to beat the gong to clear the way/ (fig.) to pave the way for sth



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