
锤 [chui2]


汉字:锤 / 拼音:chui2

chuí hammer/ to hammer into shape/ weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)/ to strike with a hammer


一锤子买卖一錘子買賣yi1 chui2 zi5 mai3 mai4a one-off, short-sighted deal/ a one-shot, all-out attempt
一锤定音一錘定音yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/ fig. to make the final decision
包剪锤包剪錘bao1 jian3 chui2rock-paper-scissors (game)
千锤百炼千錘百鍊qian1 chui2 bai3 lian4after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom)/ the vicissitudes of life
大锤大錘da4 chui2sledgehammer
实锤實錘shi2 chui2(neologism c. 2014) (slang) solid proof/ irrefutable evidence
手锤手錘shou3 chui2mallet/ drumstick
拔钉锤拔釘錘ba2 ding1 chui2claw hammer
气锤氣錘qi4 chui2air hammer/ pneumatic hammer
求锤得锤求錘得錘qiu2 chui2 de2 chui2(neologism c. 2017) (slang) to demand proof of what one believes to be an unfounded accusation only to have irrefutable evidence duly supplied
测锤測錘ce4 chui2bob of plumb line
琴锤琴錘qin2 chui2mallet/ drumstick
秤锤秤錘cheng4 chui2steelyard weights
纺锤紡錘fang3 chui2spindle
钉锤釘錘ding1 chui2nail hammer/ claw hammer
铅锤鉛錘qian1 chui2bob of a plumbline
铜锤銅錘tong2 chui2mace (weapon)/ see 銅錘花臉|铜锤花脸[tong2 chui2 hua1 lian3]
铜锤花脸銅錘花臉tong2 chui2 hua1 lian3(Chinese opera) tongchui hualian, a military character holding a bronze mace, classified as a jing 淨|净[jing4] role
chui2hammer/ to hammer into shape/ weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)/ to strike with a hammer
锤子錘子chui2 zi5hammer/ CL:把[ba3]
锤头鲨錘頭鯊chui2 tou2 sha1a hammerhead shark
锤骨錘骨chui2 gu3malleus or hammer bone of middle ear
锤骨柄錘骨柄chui2 gu3 bing3manubrium of malleus (handle of hammer bone), connecting ossicles 聽小骨|听小骨 to tympanum 鼓膜
chui2variant of 錘|锤[chui2]
雷神之锤雷神之錘Lei2 shen2 zhi1 Chui2Quake (video game series)
电锤電錘dian4 chui2rotary hammer/ hammer drill



2021-05-13, 475👍, 0💬