
銅 [tong2]


汉字:銅 / 拼音:tong2

tóng copper (chemistry)/ see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]


古铜色古銅色gu3 tong2 se4bronze color
古铜色卷尾古銅色卷尾gu3 tong2 se4 juan3 wei3(bird species of China) bronzed drongo (Dicrurus aeneus)
废铜烂铁廢銅爛鐵fei4 tong2 lan4 tie3scrap metal/ a pile of junk
白铜白銅bai2 tong2copper-nickel alloy
硫酸铜硫酸銅liu2 suan1 tong2copper sulfate CuSO4
红铜紅銅hong2 tong2copper (chemistry)/ see also 銅|铜[tong2]
紫铜紫銅zi3 tong2copper (pure copper, as opposed to alloy)
自然铜自然銅zi4 ran2 tong2natural copper/ chalcopyrite/ copper iron sulfide CuFeS2
金银铜铁锡金銀銅鐵錫jin1 yin2 tong2 tie3 xi1the 5 metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin
金铜合铸金銅合鑄jin1 tong2 he2 zhu4copper gold alloy
tong2copper (chemistry)/ see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
铜仁銅仁Tong2 ren2Tongren city and prefecture in Guizhou
铜仁地区銅仁地區Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1Tongren prefecture in Guizhou
铜仁市銅仁市Tong2 ren2 shi4Tongren city, capital of Tongren prefecture, Guizhou
铜像銅像tong2 xiang4bronze statue/ CL:座[zuo4]
铜匠銅匠tong2 jiang5coppersmith
铜器銅器tong2 qi4copper ware/ bronze ware
铜官山銅官山Tong2 guan1 shan1Tongguanshan district of Tongling city 銅陵市|铜陵市[Tong2 ling2 shi4], Anhui
铜官山区銅官山區Tong2 guan1 shan1 qu1Tongguanshan district of Tongling city 銅陵市|铜陵市[Tong2 ling2 shi4], Anhui
铜山銅山Tong2 shan1Tongshan county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu
铜山县銅山縣Tong2 shan1 xian4Tongshan county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu
铜川銅川Tong2 chuan1Tongchuan prefecture level city in Shaanxi
铜川市銅川市Tong2 chuan1 Shi4Tongchuan prefecture level city in Shaanxi
铜板銅板tong2 ban3copper coin/ copper plate (e.g. for printing)
铜梁銅梁Tong2 liang2Tongliang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
铜梁县銅梁縣Tong2 liang2 xian4Tongliang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
铜墙铁壁銅牆鐵壁tong2 qiang2 tie3 bi4copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); impenetrable defense
铜牌銅牌tong2 pai2bronze medal/ bronze plaque bearing a business name or logo etc/ CL:枚[mei2]
铜环銅環tong2 huan2brass ring/ door knocker
铜矿銅礦tong2 kuang4copper mine/ copper ore




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