
逸 [yi4]


汉字:逸 / 拼音:yi4

to escape/ leisurely/ outstanding


一劳永逸一勞永逸yi1 lao2 yong3 yi4to get sth done once and for all
以逸待劳以逸待勞yi3 yi4 dai4 lao2to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy/ to nurture one's strength and bide one's time (idiom)
劳逸勞逸lao2 yi4work and rest
劳逸结合勞逸結合lao2 yi4 jie2 he2to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)
好逸恶劳好逸惡勞hao4 yi4 wu4 lao2to love ease and comfort and hate work (idiom)
孙逸仙孫逸仙Sun1 Yi4 xian1Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Republic of China and co-founder of the Kuomintang/ same as 孫中山|孙中山
安逸安逸an1 yi4easy and comfortable/ easy
恬逸恬逸tian2 yi4free from worry and disturbance
散逸散逸san4 yi4dispersal
散逸层散逸層san4 yi4 ceng2exosphere
淫逸淫逸yin2 yi4to indulge in/ dissipation/ debauchery
清逸清逸qing1 yi4fresh and elegant
肇事逃逸肇事逃逸zhao4 shi4 tao2 yi4hit-and-run
逃逸逃逸tao2 yi4to escape/ to run away/ to abscond
逃逸速度逃逸速度tao2 yi4 su4 du4escape velocity
yi4to escape/ leisurely/ outstanding
逸事逸事yi4 shi4anecdote/ lost or apocryphal story about famous person
逸事遗闻逸事遺聞yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2]
逸尘逸塵yi4 chen2outstanding/ above the common/ out of the ordinary
逸尘断鞅逸塵斷鞅yi4 chen2 duan4 yang1lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness/ fig. to ride like the wind (idiom)
逸宕逸宕yi4 dang4dissolute
逸散逸散yi4 san4to vaporize/ to dispel
逸乐逸樂yi4 le4pleasure-seeking
逸民逸民yi4 min2recluse/ hermit
逸群逸群yi4 qun2above the common/ outstanding/ excelling/ preeminent
逸闻逸聞yi4 wen2variant of 軼聞|轶闻[yi4 wen2]
逸致逸致yi4 zhi4carefree mood
逸荡逸蕩yi4 dang4dissolute
逸话逸話yi4 hua4rumor/ anecdote (not in the official record)/ apocryphal story
逸豫逸豫yi4 yu4idleness and pleasure




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