
迴 [hui2]


汉字:迴 / 拼音:hui2

huí to curve/ to return/ to revolve


巡回巡迴xun2 hui2to go around/ to roam/ to tour
巡回分析端口巡迴分析端口xun2 hui2 fen1 xi1 duan1 kou3Roving Analysis Port/ RAP
巡回法庭巡迴法庭xun2 hui2 fa3 ting2circuit court
巡回演出巡迴演出xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1(theater etc) to tour/ to be on tour/ to give itinerant performances
海马回海馬迴hai3 ma3 hui2hippocampus
轮回輪迴lun2 hui2to reincarnate/ reincarnation (Buddhism)/ (of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically/ cycle/ CL:個|个[ge4]
迂回迂迴yu1 hui2roundabout route/ circuitous/ tortuous/ to outflank/ indirect/ roundabout
hui2to curve/ to return/ to revolve
回廊迴廊hui2 lang2winding corridor/ cloister/ ambulatory (covered walkway around a cloister)
回旋迴旋hui2 xuan2to turn around/ maneuvering room/ leeway
回荡迴盪hui2 dang4to resound/ to reverberate/ to echo
回纹针迴紋針hui2 wen2 zhen1paper clip
回转迴轉hui2 zhuan3to revolve/ to rotate/ rotation
回转寿司迴轉壽司hui2 zhuan3 shou4 si1conveyor belt sushi (restaurant)
回避迴避hui2 bi4to shun/ to avoid (sb)/ to skirt/ to evade (an issue)/ to step back/ to withdraw/ to recuse (a judge etc)
回响迴響hui2 xiang3to echo/ to reverberate/ to respond/ echo/ response/ reaction
递回遞迴di4 hui2see 遞歸|递归[di4 gui1]



2021-05-05, 336👍, 0💬