
迎 [ying2]


汉字:迎 / 拼音:ying2

yíng to welcome/ to meet/ to face/ to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)


不受欢迎不受歡迎bu4 shou4 huan1 ying2unwelcome
出迎出迎chu1 ying2to greet/ to go out to meet
受欢迎受歡迎shou4 huan1 ying2popular/ well-received
失迎失迎shi1 ying2failure to meet/ (humble language) I'm sorry not to have come to meet you personally
夹道欢迎夾道歡迎jia1 dao4 huan1 ying2to line the streets in welcome
奉迎奉迎feng4 ying2(honorific) to greet/ to fawn
布防迎战布防迎戰bu4 fang2 ying2 zhan4to prepare to meet the enemy head-on
爱彼迎愛彼迎Ai4 bi3 ying2Airbnb
曲意逢迎曲意逢迎qu1 yi4 feng2 ying2to bow down to everything sb says or does/ to act submissively in order to ingratiate oneself
有失远迎有失遠迎you3 shi1 yuan3 ying2(polite) excuse me for not going out to meet you
欢迎歡迎huan1 ying2to welcome/ welcome
欢迎光临歡迎光臨huan1 ying2 guang1 lin2welcome
笑脸相迎笑臉相迎xiao4 lian3 xiang1 ying2to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
ying2to welcome/ to meet/ to face/ to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)
迎佛骨迎佛骨ying2 fo2 gu3to ceremonially receive a bone relic of the Buddha
迎来送往迎來送往ying2 lai2 song4 wang3lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests/ all time taken over with social niceties
迎刃而解迎刃而解ying2 ren4 er2 jie3lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom)/ fig. easily solved
迎合迎合ying2 he2to cater to/ to pander to
迎娶迎娶ying2 qu3(of a groom) to escort the bride to the wedding ceremony/ fig. to take as one's wife/ to marry
迎客松迎客松Ying2 ke4 Song1Greeting Pine, symbol of Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1]
迎战迎戰ying2 zhan4to meet the enemy head-on
迎接迎接ying2 jie1to meet/ to welcome/ to greet
迎接挑战迎接挑戰ying2 jie1 tiao3 zhan4to meet a challenge
迎击迎擊ying2 ji1to face an attack/ to repulse the enemy
迎新迎新ying2 xin1to see in the New Year/ to welcome new guests/ by extension, to receive new students
迎春花迎春花ying2 chun1 hua1winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)
迎江迎江Ying2 jiang1Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui
迎江区迎江區Ying2 jiang1 qu1Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui
迎泽迎澤Ying2 ze2Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi
迎泽区迎澤區Ying2 ze2 qu1Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi




2021-05-05, 370👍, 0💬