
購 [gou4]


汉字:購 / 拼音:gou4

gòu to buy/ to purchase


代购代購dai4 gou4to buy (on behalf of sb)
并购併購bing4 gou4merger and acquisition (M and A)/ acquisition/ to take over
优先承购权優先承購權you1 xian1 cheng2 gou4 quan2prior purchase right/ right of first refusal (ROFR)/ preemptive right to purchase
内购內購nei4 gou4buying direct from your company at preferential prices/ (gaming) in-app purchase
兼并与收购兼並與收購jian1 bing4 yu3 shou1 gou4mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
函购函購han2 gou4mail order
回购回購hui2 gou4buyback/ repurchase/ to buy back
团购團購tuan2 gou4group buying/ collective buying/ buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group
套购套購tao4 gou4a fraudulent purchase/ to buy up sth illegally
定购定購ding4 gou4to order goods/ to place an order
导购導購dao3 gou4shopper's guide/ shop assistant/ sales staff
废品收购站廢品收購站fei4 pin3 shou1 gou4 zhan4salvage station/ recycling center
批量购买批量購買pi1 liang4 gou4 mai3to buy in bulk/ bulk buying
采购採購cai3 gou4to procure (for an enterprise etc)/ to purchase
采购员採購員cai3 gou4 yuan2buyer/ purchasing agent
采购商採購商cai3 gou4 shang1buyer
抢购搶購qiang3 gou4to buy frenetically/ to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)
收购收購shou1 gou4to purchase (from various places)/ to acquire (a company)
收购要约收購要約shou1 gou4 yao1 yue1takeover bid
杠杆收购杠杆收購gang4 gan3 shou1 gou4leveraged buyout (LBO)
乐购樂購Le4 gou4Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain
派购派購pai4 gou4fixed government purchase (esp of farm products)
争购爭購zheng1 gou4to compete/ to fight for/ to rush to purchase
特易购特易購Te4 yi4 gou4Tesco, British-based supermarket chain
申购申購shen1 gou4to ask to buy/ to bid for purchase
竞购競購jing4 gou4to bid competitively/ to compete to buy (at auction)
管理层收购管理層收購guan3 li3 ceng2 shou1 gou4management buyout (MBO)
统购統購tong3 gou4state purchasing monopoly/ unified government purchase
统购派购統購派購tong3 gou4 pai4 gou4unified government purchase at fixed price (esp of farm products)
统购统销統購統銷tong3 gou4 tong3 xiao1state monopoly of purchasing and marketing




2021-05-06, 495👍, 0💬