
貿 [mao4]


汉字:貿 / 拼音:mao4

mào commerce/ trade
异体 貿


一般贸易一般貿易yi1 ban1 mao4 yi4general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing)
世界贸易世界貿易shi4 jie4 mao4 yi4world trade/ global trade
世界贸易中心世界貿易中心Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zhong1 xin1World Trade Center
世界贸易组织世界貿易組織Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zu3 zhi1World Trade Organization (WTO)
世贸世貿Shi4 mao4World Trade Organization (WTO)/ abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织
世贸中心大楼世貿中心大樓Shi4 mao4 Zhong1 xin1 Da4 lou2World Trade Center (the twin towers destroyed by the 9-11 terrorists)
世贸大厦世貿大廈Shi4 mao4 Da4 sha4World Trade Center
世贸组织世貿組織Shi4 mao4 Zu3 zhi1WTO (World Trade Organization)
中国国际贸易促进委员会中國國際貿易促進委員會Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Mao4 yi4 Cu4 jin4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
中国船舶贸易公司中國船舶貿易公司Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Mao4 yi4 Gong1 si1China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation (CSTC)
内贸內貿nei4 mao4domestic trade
公平贸易公平貿易gong1 ping2 mao4 yi4fair trade
加工贸易加工貿易jia1 gong1 mao4 yi4process trade/ trade involving assembly
商贸商貿shang1 mao4trade and commerce
国家经济贸易委员会國家經濟貿易委員會Guo2 jia1 Jing1 ji4 Mao4 yi4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)
国家军品贸易局國家軍品貿易局Guo2 jia1 Jun1 pin3 Mao4 yi4 ju2State Bureau of Military Products Trade (SBMPT)
国家军品贸易管理委员会國家軍品貿易管理委員會Guo2 jia1 Jun1 pin3 Mao4 yi4 Guan3 li3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4State Administration Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT)
国贸國貿guo2 mao4abbr. for 國際貿易|国际贸易[guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4]
国际贸易國際貿易guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4international trade
外贸外貿wai4 mao4foreign trade
外贸协会外貿協會Wai4 mao4 Xie2 hui4Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), abbr. for 中華民國對外貿易發展協會|中华民国对外贸易发展协会
对外经济贸易大学對外經濟貿易大學Dui4 wai4 Jing1 ji4 Mao4 yi4 Da4 xue2University of International Business and Economics
对外贸易對外貿易dui4 wai4 mao4 yi4foreign trade
对外贸易经济合作部對外貿易經濟合作部Dui4 wai4 Mao4 yi4 Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 bu4Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC)
广东外语外贸大学廣東外語外貿大學Guang3 dong1 Wai4 yu3 Wai4 mao4 Da4 xue2Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
服贸服貿Fu2 Mao4Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement/ abbr. for 兩岸服務貿易協議|两岸服务贸易协议[Liang3 an4 Fu2 wu4 Mao4 yi4 Xie2 yi4]
欧洲自由贸易联盟歐洲自由貿易聯盟Ou1 zhou1 Zi4 you2 Mao4 yi4 Lian2 meng2European Free Trade Association
濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約Bin1 wei1 Ye3 sheng1 Dong4 Zhi2 wu4 zhong3 Guo2 ji4 Mao4 yi4 Gong1 yue1Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora/ CITES
无形贸易無形貿易wu2 xing2 mao4 yi4invisibles (trade)
经贸經貿jing1 mao4trade




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