
贪 [tan1]


汉字:贪 / 拼音:tan1

tān to have a voracious desire for/ to covet/ greedy/ corrupt


反贪反貪fan3 tan1anti-corruption (policy)
反贪污反貪污fan3 tan1 wu1anticorruption
反贪腐反貪腐fan3 tan1 fu3anti-corruption
好酒贪杯好酒貪杯hao4 jiu3 tan1 bei1fond of the bottle (idiom)
桀贪骜诈桀貪驁詐jie2 tan1 ao4 zha4brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom)
tan1to have a voracious desire for/ to covet/ greedy/ corrupt
贪占貪占tan1 zhan4to misappropriate
贪吃貪吃tan1 chi1gluttonous/ voracious
贪吃者貪吃者tan1 chi1 zhe3glutton
贪吃鬼貪吃鬼tan1 chi1 gui3glutton/ chowhound
贪嘴貪嘴tan1 zui3gluttonous
贪图貪圖tan1 tu2to covet/ to seek (riches, fame)
贪多嚼不烂貪多嚼不爛tan1 duo1 jiao2 bu4 lan4to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)
贪天之功貪天之功tan1 tian1 zhi1 gong1to claim credit for other people's achievements (idiom)
贪婪貪婪tan1 lan2avaricious/ greedy/ rapacious/ insatiable/ avid
贪婪是万恶之源貪婪是萬惡之源tan1 lan2 shi4 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2Greed is the root of all evil.
贪婪无厌貪婪無厭tan1 lan2 wu2 yan4avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
贪官貪官tan1 guan1corrupt official/ grasping functionary/ greedy mandarin
贪官污吏貪官污吏tan1 guan1 wu1 li4grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption
贪小失大貪小失大tan1 xiao3 shi1 da4penny wise and pound foolish (idiom)
贪得无厌貪得無厭tan1 de2 wu2 yan4avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
贪得无餍貪得無饜tan1 de2 wu2 yan4variant of 貪得無厭|贪得无厌[tan1 de2 wu2 yan4]
贪心貪心tan1 xin1greedy
贪心不足貪心不足tan1 xin1 bu4 zu2avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
贪欲貪慾tan1 yu4greed/ avarice/ rapacious/ avid
贪恋貪戀tan1 lian4to cling to/ to be reluctant to give up (sth)/ to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc)
贪杯貪杯tan1 bei1to drink in excess
贪求貪求tan1 qiu2to pursue greedily/ to crave
贪求无厌貪求無厭tan1 qiu2 wu2 yan4insatiably greedy (idiom)
贪汙腐化貪汙腐化tan1 wu1 fu3 hua4corruption




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