
负 [fu4]


汉字:负 / 拼音:fu4

to bear/ to carry (on one's back)/ to turn one's back on/ to be defeated/ negative (math. etc)


不分胜负不分勝負bu4 fen1 sheng4 fu4unable to determine victory or defeat (idiom); evenly matched/ to come out even/ to tie/ to draw
不负不負bu4 fu4to live up to
不负众望不負眾望bu4 fu4 zhong4 wang4to live up to expectations (idiom)
久负盛名久負盛名jiu3 fu4 sheng4 ming2seasoned/ honed to perfection over centuries/ special reserve
胜负勝負sheng4 fu4victory or defeat/ the outcome of a battle
反裘负刍反裘負芻fan3 qiu2 fu4 chu2lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom)/ fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work/ fig. to act stupidly
如释重负如釋重負ru2 shi4 zhong4 fu4as if relieved from a burden (idiom)/ to have a weight off one's mind
孤负孤負gu1 fu4variant of 辜負|辜负[gu1 fu4]
徒呼负负徒呼負負tu2 hu1 fu4 fu4to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom)
忍辱负重忍辱負重ren3 ru3 fu4 zhong4to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence
忘恩负义忘恩負義wang4 en1 fu4 yi4to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend/ to kick a benefactor in the teeth
抱负抱負bao4 fu4aspiration/ ambition
担负擔負dan1 fu4to shoulder/ to bear/ to undertake
文责自负文責自負wen2 ze2 zi4 fu4the author takes sole responsibility for the views expressed here (disclaimer)
有效负载有效負載you3 xiao4 fu4 zai4payload
欺负欺負qi1 fu5to bully
正负正負zheng4 fu4positive and negative
正负号正負號zheng4 fu4 hao4plus or minus sign ± (math.)
正负电子正負電子zheng4 fu4 dian4 zi3electrons and positrons
决胜负決勝負jue2 sheng4 fu4a tie-break/ to determine the winner
流动负债流動負債liu2 dong4 fu4 zhai4current liability
减负減負jian3 fu4to alleviate a burden on sb
皇天不负苦心人皇天不負苦心人Huang2 tian1 bu4 fu4 ku3 xin1 ren2Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries (idiom). If you try hard, you're bound to succeed eventually.
盈亏自负盈虧自負ying2 kui1 zi4 fu4responsible for its profit and losses (of organization)/ financially autonomous/ personal financial responsibility
税负稅負shui4 fu4tax burden
肩负肩負jian1 fu4to shoulder (a burden)/ to bear/ to suffer (a disadvantage)
背负背負bei1 fu4to bear/ to carry on one's back/ to shoulder
自负自負zi4 fu4conceited/ to take responsibility
自负盈亏自負盈虧zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1responsible for its profit and losses (of organization)/ financially autonomous/ personal financial responsibility
亏负虧負kui1 fu4deficient/ to let sb down/ to cause sb suffering




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