豢 [huan4]
汉字:豢 / 拼音:huan4
豢 | |||
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
刍豢 | 芻豢 | chu2 huan4 | livestock/ farm animals |
豢 | 豢 | huan4 | to rear/ to raise (animals) |
豢圉 | 豢圉 | huan4 yu3 | pen for animals/ animal barn or stable |
豢养 | 豢養 | huan4 yang3 | to keep (an animal)/ to look after the needs of (a person or an animal)/ (fig.) to keep (a spy, lackey etc) in one's pay |
2021-06-02, 416👍, 0💬
简体:庚申 / 繁体:庚申 / 拼音:geng1 shen1
简体:仪容 / 繁体:仪容 / 拼音:yi2 rong2
简体:上个星期 / 繁体:上个星期 / 拼音:shang4 ge4 xing1 qi1
简体:绿树 / 繁体:绿树 / 拼音:lu:4 shu4
简体:日趋 / 繁体:日趋 / 拼音:ri4 qu1