
酬 [chou2]


汉字:酬 / 拼音:chou2

chóu old variant of 酬[chou2]


同工同酬同工同酬tong2 gong1 tong2 chou2equal pay for equal work
报酬報酬bao4 chou5reward/ remuneration
天道酬勤天道酬勤tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)
应酬應酬ying4 chou5social niceties/ social interaction/ a dinner party
投资报酬率投資報酬率tou2 zi1 bao4 chou2 lu:4return on investment/ rate of return
奖酬獎酬jiang3 chou2incentive/ reward
稿酬稿酬gao3 chou2fee paid to an author for a piece of writing
薄酬薄酬bo2 chou2small reward (for work)/ meager remuneration
薪酬薪酬xin1 chou2pay/ remuneration/ salary/ reward
chou2old variant of 酬[chou2]
边际报酬邊際報酬bian1 ji4 bao4 chou2marginal returns
chou2variant of 酬[chou2]
chou2to entertain/ to repay/ to return/ to reward/ to compensate/ to reply/ to answer
酬偿酬償chou2 chang2reward
酬劳酬勞chou2 lao2reward
酬和酬和chou2 he4to respond to a poem with a poem
酬报酬報chou2 bao4to repay/ to reward
酬对酬對chou2 dui4(literary) to reply/ to answer
酬应酬應chou2 ying4social interaction
酬神酬神chou2 shen2to offer thanks to the gods
酬答酬答chou2 da2to thank with a gift
酬谢酬謝chou2 xie4to thank with a gift
酬宾酬賓chou2 bin1bargain sale/ discount
酬赏酬賞chou2 shang3reward
酬载酬載chou2 zai4payload
酬酢酬酢chou2 zuo4to exchange toasts
酬金酬金chou2 jin1monetary reward/ remuneration
chou2variant of 酬[chou2]
高薪酬高薪酬gao1 xin1 chou2high salary



2021-05-29, 435👍, 0💬