
话 [hua4]


汉字:话 / 拼音:hua4

huà dialect/ language/ spoken words/ speech/ talk/ words/ conversation/ what sb said/ CL:種|种[zhong3],席[xi2],句[ju4],口[kou3],番[fan1]


一句话一句話yi1 ju4 hua4in a word/ in short
一家人不说两家话一家人不說兩家話yi1 jia1 ren2 bu4 shuo1 liang3 jia1 hua4lit. family members speak frankly with one another, not courteously, as if they were from two different families (idiom)/ fig. people don't need to be deferential when they ask a family member for help/ people from the same family should stick together (and good friends likewise)
一席话一席話yi1 xi2 hua4the content of a conversation/ words/ remarks
三句话不离本行三句話不離本行san1 ju4 hua4 bu4 li2 ben3 hang2to talk shop all the time (idiom)
上海话上海話Shang4 hai3 hua4Shanghainese/ Shanghai dialect
不像话不像話bu4 xiang4 hua4unreasonable/ shocking/ outrageous
不问就听不到假话不問就聽不到假話bu4 wen4 jiu4 ting1 bu4 dao4 jia3 hua4Don't ask and you won't be told any lies. (idiom)
不在话下不在話下bu4 zai4 hua4 xia4to be nothing difficult/ to be a cinch
不成话不成話bu4 cheng2 hua4see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]
不是话不是話bu4 shi4 hua4see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]
不象话不象話bu4 xiang4 hua4unreasonable/ shocking/ outrageous/ also written 不像話|不像话
中国话中國話Zhong1 guo2 hua4(spoken) Chinese language
二话二話er4 hua4objection/ differing opinion
二话不说二話不說er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/ without demur
二话没说二話沒說er4 hua4 mei2 shuo1see 二話不說|二话不说[er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1]
佳话佳話jia1 hua4story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide
俏皮话俏皮話qiao4 pi5 hua4witticism/ wisecrack/ sarcastic remark/ double entendre
俗话俗話su2 hua4common saying/ proverb
俗话说俗話說su2 hua4 shuo1as the proverb says/ as they say...
修饰话修飾話xiu1 shi4 hua4modifier (grammar)
假话假話jia3 hua4a lie/ untrue statement/ misstatement
传呼电话傳呼電話chuan2 hu1 dian4 hua4neighborhood telephone, with sb in charge of notifying others when they receive a call
传话傳話chuan2 hua4to pass on a story/ to communicate a message
传话人傳話人chuan2 hua4 ren2messenger/ communicator/ relay
傻话傻話sha3 hua4foolish talk/ nonsense
像话像話xiang4 hua4proper
两岸对话兩岸對話liang3 an4 dui4 hua4bilateral talks
公共交换电话网路公共交換電話網路gong1 gong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3 lu4public switched telephone network/ PSTN
公用交换电话网公用交換電話網gong1 yong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3public switched telephone network/ PSTN
公用电话公用電話gong1 yong4 dian4 hua4public phone/ CL:部[bu4]




2021-05-01, 675👍, 0💬