
许 [Xu3 xu3]


汉字:许 / 拼音:Xu3 xu3

surname Xu
to allow/ to permit/ to promise/ to praise/ somewhat/ perhaps


不准许不准許bu4 zhun3 xu3forbidden/ not allowed
不许不許bu4 xu3not to allow/ must not/ can't
也许也許ye3 xu3perhaps/ maybe
些许些許xie1 xu3a few/ a little/ a bit
以身相许以身相許yi3 shen1 xiang1 xu3to give one's heart to/ to devote one's life to
以身许国以身許國yi3 shen1 xu3 guo2to dedicate oneself to the cause of one's country (idiom)
何许何許he2 xu3(literary) what place/ what time/ how
何许人何許人he2 xu3 ren2(literary) what kind of person
允许允許yun3 xu3to permit/ to allow
准许准許zhun3 xu3to allow/ to grant/ to permit
只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈zhi3 xu3 zhou1 guan1 fang4 huo3 , bu4 xu3 bai3 xing4 dian3 deng1only the official is allowed to light the fire/ Gods may do what cattle may not/ quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
嘉许嘉許jia1 xu3favorable/ praise
如许如許ru2 xu3(literary) like this/ such (as this)/ so much/ so many
容许容許rong2 xu3to permit/ to allow
封官许愿封官許願feng1 guan1 xu3 yuan4to offer official positions and material benefits in order to buy people's allegiance
少许少許shao3 xu3a little/ a few
几许幾許ji3 xu3(literary) how many/ quite a few
心许心許xin1 xu3to consent tacitly/ unspoken approval
应许應許ying1 xu3to promise/ to allow
应许之地應許之地Ying1 xu3 zhi1 Di4Promised Land
或许或許huo4 xu3perhaps/ maybe
推许推許tui1 xu3to esteem/ to commend
书面许可書面許可shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3written permission/ written authorization
期许期許qi1 xu3to hope/ to expect/ expectation(s)
特许特許te4 xu3license/ licensed/ concession/ concessionary
特许半导体特許半導體te4 xu3 ban4 dao3 ti3Chartered Semiconductor
特许权特許權te4 xu3 quan2patent/ franchise/ concession
特许状特許狀te4 xu3 zhuang4charter
特许经营特許經營te4 xu3 jing1 ying2franchised operation/ franchising
甘纳许甘納許gan1 na4 xu3ganache (loanword)




2021-05-06, 483👍, 0💬