
觉 [jiao4 jue2]


汉字:觉 / 拼音:jiao4 jue2

jiào a nap/ a sleep/ CL:場|场[chang2]
jué to feel/ to find that/ thinking/ awake/ aware


一觉醒来一覺醒來yi1 jiao4 xing3 lai2to wake up from a sleep
不明觉厉不明覺厲bu4 ming2 jue2 li4although I don't understand it, it seems pretty awesome (Internet slang)
不知不觉不知不覺bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2unconsciously/ unwittingly
不自觉不自覺bu4 zi4 jue2unaware/ unconscious of sth
不觉不覺bu4 jue2unconsciously
乖觉乖覺guai1 jue2perceptive/ alert/ clever/ shrewd
人不知鬼不觉人不知鬼不覺ren2 bu4 zhi1 gui3 bu4 jue2in absolute secrecy
先知先觉先知先覺xian1 zhi1 xian1 jue2foresight/ having foresight/ person of foresight
先觉先覺xian1 jue2person with foresight
初恋感觉初戀感覺chu1 lian4 gan3 jue2feelings of first love
动觉動覺dong4 jue2kinesthesia
午觉午覺wu3 jiao4siesta/ afternoon nap
味觉味覺wei4 jue2sense of taste/ gustation
味觉迟钝味覺遲鈍wei4 jue2 chi2 dun4amblygeustia/ loss of food taste
嗅觉嗅覺xiu4 jue2sense of smell
察觉察覺cha2 jue2to sense/ to perceive/ to become aware of/ to detect
幻觉幻覺huan4 jue2illusion/ hallucination/ figment of one's imagination
幻觉剂幻覺劑huan4 jue2 ji4hallucinogen
后感觉後感覺hou4 gan3 jue2after-sensation/ after-impression
思觉失调思覺失調si1 jue2 shi1 tiao2psychosis
爱新觉罗愛新覺羅Ai4 xin1 Jue2 luo2Aisin Gioro, family name of the Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty
感觉感覺gan3 jue2to feel/ to become aware of/ feeling/ sense/ perception/ CL:個|个[ge4]
感觉到感覺到gan3 jue2 dao4to feel/ to sense/ to detect/ to perceive/ to become aware
感觉器感覺器gan3 jue2 qi4sense organ
感觉器官感覺器官gan3 jue2 qi4 guan1sense organs/ the five senses
昭觉昭覺Zhao1 jue2Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan
昭觉县昭覺縣Zhao1 jue2 xian4Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan
浑然不觉渾然不覺hun2 ran2 bu4 jue2totally unaware
温觉溫覺wen1 jue2heat sensation
无知觉無知覺wu2 zhi1 jue2senseless




2021-05-03, 434👍, 0💬