
衷 [zhong1]


汉字:衷 / 拼音:zhong1

zhōng inner feelings


丹衷丹衷dan1 zhong1real sincerity
互诉衷肠互訴衷腸hu1 su4 zhong1 chang2to confide in each other (idiom)
倾吐衷肠傾吐衷腸qing1 tu3 zhong1 chang2to pour out (emotions)/ to pour one's heart out/ to say everything that is on one's mind
初衷初衷chu1 zhong1original intention
折衷折衷zhe2 zhong1variant of 折中[zhe2 zhong1]
折衷主义折衷主義zhe2 zhong1 zhu3 yi4eclecticism
折衷鹦鹉折衷鸚鵡zhe2 zhong1 ying1 wu3Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New Guinea)
无动于衷無動於衷wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1aloof/ indifferent/ unconcerned
热衷熱衷re4 zhong1to feel strongly about/ to be fond of/ obsession/ deep commitment
由衷由衷you2 zhong1heartfelt/ sincere/ unfeigned
苦衷苦衷ku3 zhong1secret trouble/ sorrow/ difficulties
莫衷一是莫衷一是mo4 zhong1 yi1 shi4unable to reach a decision (idiom); cannot agree on the right choice/ no unanimous decision/ still a matter of discussion
zhong1inner feelings
衷心衷心zhong1 xin1heartfelt/ wholehearted/ cordial
言不由衷言不由衷yan2 bu4 you2 zhong1to say sth without meaning it (idiom); to speak tongue in cheek/ saying one thing but meaning sth different
隐衷隱衷yin3 zhong1a secret/ sth best not told to anyone/ confidential information



2021-05-19, 428👍, 0💬