虹 [hong2]
汉字:虹 / 拼音:hong2
虹 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
彩虹 | 彩虹 | cai3 hong2 | rainbow/ CL:道[dao4] |
彩虹蜂虎 | 彩虹蜂虎 | cai3 hong2 feng1 hu3 | (bird species of China) rainbow bee-eater (Merops ornatus) |
彩虹行动 | 彩虹行動 | cai3 hong2 xing2 dong4 | the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945 |
彩虹鹦鹉 | 彩虹鸚鵡 | cai3 hong2 ying1 wu3 | (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) |
棕尾虹雉 | 棕尾虹雉 | zong1 wei3 hong2 zhi4 | (bird species of China) Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus) |
气贯长虹 | 氣貫長虹 | qi4 guan4 chang2 hong2 | spirit reaches to the rainbow/ full of noble aspiration and daring |
海虹 | 海虹 | hai3 hong2 | mussel |
白尾梢虹雉 | 白尾梢虹雉 | bai2 wei3 shao1 hong2 zhi4 | (bird species of China) Sclater's monal (Lophophorus sclateri) |
绿尾虹雉 | 綠尾虹雉 | lu:4 wei3 hong2 zhi4 | (bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) |
虹 | 虹 | hong2 | rainbow |
虹口区 | 虹口區 | Hong2 kou3 Qu1 | Hongkou district, central Shanghai |
虹吸 | 虹吸 | hong2 xi1 | siphon |
虹吸管 | 虹吸管 | hong2 xi1 guan3 | siphon |
虹彩 | 虹彩 | hong2 cai3 | iridescence/ iris (of the eye) |
虹桥 | 虹橋 | Hong2 qiao2 | Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin |
虹桥机场 | 虹橋機場 | Hong2 qiao2 ji1 chang3 | Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai) |
虹膜 | 虹膜 | hong2 mo2 | iris (of an eye) |
虹鳟 | 虹鱒 | hong2 zun1 | rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
长虹 | 長虹 | Chang2 hong2 | Changhong (brand) |
霓虹 | 霓虹 | ni2 hong2 | rainbow/ neon (loanword) |
霓虹国 | 霓虹國 | Ni2 hong2 guo2 | (slang) Japan (loanword from the Japanese word for Japan, "Nihon") |
霓虹灯 | 霓虹燈 | ni2 hong2 deng1 | neon lamp (loanword) |
黄宾虹 | 黃賓虹 | Huang2 Bin1 hong2 | Huang Binhong (1865-1955), art historian and literati painter |
2021-05-02, 510👍, 0💬
简体:剞 / 繁体:剞 / 拼音:ji1
简体:庠 / 繁体:庠 / 拼音:xiang2
简体:壳质 / 繁体:壳质 / 拼音:qiao4 zhi4
简体:司康 / 繁体:司康 / 拼音:si1 kang1
汉字:藪 / 拼音:sou3