
萬 [Wan4 wan4]


汉字:萬 / 拼音:Wan4 wan4

wàn surname Wan
wàn ten thousand/ a great number


一夫当关,万夫莫开一夫當關,萬夫莫開yi1 fu1 dang1 guan1 , wan4 fu1 mo4 kai1one man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies (idiom)
一本万利一本萬利yi1 ben3 wan4 li4small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out
上万上萬shang4 wan4over ten thousand/ fig. untold numbers/ innumerable/ thousands upon thousands
不怕一万,就怕万一不怕一萬,就怕萬一bu4 pa4 yi1 wan4 , jiu4 pa4 wan4 yi1better to be safe than sorry (proverb)/ to be prepared just in case
以一驭万以一馭萬yi3 yi1 yu4 wan4to control a key point is to be master of the situation (idiom)
以防万一以防萬一yi3 fang2 wan4 yi1to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/ prepared for any eventualities
伊万卡伊萬卡Yi1 wan4 ka3Ivanka (name)
亿万億萬yi4 wan4millions and millions
亿万富翁億萬富翁yi4 wan4 fu4 weng1billionaire/ multimillionaire
亿万富豪億萬富豪yi4 wan4 fu4 hao2multi-millionaire
八万大藏经八萬大藏經ba1 wan4 da4 zang4 jing1Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea
包罗万象包羅萬象bao1 luo2 wan4 xiang4all-embracing/ all-inclusive
十万十萬shi2 wan4hundred thousand
十万位十萬位shi2 wan4 wei4the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system
十万八千里十萬八千里shi2 wan4 ba1 qian1 li3light-years (apart)/ a million miles (apart)/ (i.e. indicates a huge difference or a huge distance)
十万火急十萬火急shi2 wan4 huo3 ji2most urgent/ posthaste/ express
千刀万剐千刀萬剮qian1 dao1 wan4 gua3to make mincemeat of sb/ to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)
千千万万千千萬萬qian1 qian1 wan4 wan4lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/ innumerable/ thousands upon thousands
千叮万嘱千叮萬囑qian1 ding1 wan4 zhu3repeatedly urging/ imploring over and over again
千家万户千家萬戶qian1 jia1 wan4 hu4every family (idiom)
千差万别千差萬別qian1 cha1 wan4 bie2manifold diversity
千挑万选千挑萬選qian1 tiao1 wan4 xuan3to select very carefully
千真万确千真萬確qian1 zhen1 wan4 que4absolutely true (idiom)/ manifold/ true from many points of view
千秋万代千秋萬代qian1 qiu1 wan4 dai4throughout the ages
千丝万缕千絲萬縷qian1 si1 wan4 lu:3linked in countless ways
千经万卷千經萬卷qian1 jing1 wan4 juan3lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon
千万千萬qian1 wan4ten million/ countless/ many/ one must by all means
千言万语千言萬語qian1 yan2 wan4 yu3thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/ talking nonstop
千变万化千變萬化qian1 bian4 wan4 hua4countless changes/ constant permutation
千变万轸千變萬軫qian1 bian4 wan4 zhen3constantly changing, ever-varying (idiom)




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