船 [chuan2]
汉字:船 / 拼音:chuan2
船 | |||
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异体 | 船 舩 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
上船 | 上船 | shang4 chuan2 | to get on the boat |
上贼船 | 上賊船 | shang4 zei2 chuan2 | lit. to board a pirate ship (idiom)/ fig. to associate with criminals |
中国船舶工业集团 | 中國船舶工業集團 | Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Gong1 ye4 Ji2 tuan2 | China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) |
中国船舶贸易公司 | 中國船舶貿易公司 | Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Mao4 yi4 Gong1 si1 | China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation (CSTC) |
中国船舶重工集团公司 | 中國船舶重工集團公司 | Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Zhong4 gong1 Ji2 tuan2 Gong1 si1 | China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC) |
乘船 | 乘船 | cheng2 chuan2 | to embark/ to travel by ship/ to ferry |
充气船 | 充氣船 | chong1 qi4 chuan2 | inflatable boat |
兵船 | 兵船 | bing1 chuan2 | man-of-war/ naval vessel/ warship |
冰船 | 冰船 | bing1 chuan2 | ice breaker (ship) |
划船 | 划船 | hua2 chuan2 | to row a boat/ rowing boat/ rowing (sport) |
包船 | 包船 | bao1 chuan2 | to charter a ship |
商船 | 商船 | shang1 chuan2 | merchant ship |
太空船 | 太空船 | tai4 kong1 chuan2 | spaceship |
太空飞船 | 太空飛船 | tai4 kong1 fei1 chuan2 | space shuttle |
宇宙飞船 | 宇宙飛船 | yu3 zhou4 fei1 chuan2 | spacecraft |
客船 | 客船 | ke4 chuan2 | passenger ship |
宝船 | 寶船 | bao3 chuan2 | Chinese treasure ship, a type of large sailing ship in the fleet of Ming dynasty admiral Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] |
小洞不堵沉大船 | 小洞不堵沉大船 | xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 chen2 da4 chuan2 | A small hole not plugged will sink a great ship. |
小船 | 小船 | xiao3 chuan2 | boat |
巡逻船 | 巡邏船 | xun2 luo2 chuan2 | patrol vessel/ cutter |
帆船 | 帆船 | fan1 chuan2 | sailboat |
库克船长 | 庫克船長 | Ku4 ke4 chuan2 zhang3 | Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and explorer |
快船 | 快船 | Kuai4 chuan2 | Los Angeles Clippers (NBA team) |
戈船 | 戈船 | ge1 chuan2 | armed vessel (of ancient times) |
战船 | 戰船 | zhan4 chuan2 | warship |
拖船 | 拖船 | tuo1 chuan2 | tugboat/ boat towed by a tugboat/ to tow a boat |
捕鲸船 | 捕鯨船 | bu3 jing1 chuan2 | whaler/ whale catcher |
摇橹船 | 搖櫓船 | yao2 lu3 chuan2 | boat propelled by a yuloh (a single sculling oar) |
摇船 | 搖船 | yao2 chuan2 | to scull/ to row a boat |
撑船 | 撐船 | cheng1 chuan2 | to punt/ to pole a boat |
2021-04-20, 450👍, 0💬
简体:䲠 / 繁体:䲠 / 拼音:chun1
简体:采择 / 繁体:采择 / 拼音:cai3 ze2
简体:悠扬 / 繁体:悠扬 / 拼音:you1 yang2
简体:阿茨海默症 / 繁体:阿茨海默症 / 拼音:A1 ci2 hai3 mo4 zheng4
简体:一致字 / 繁体:一致字 / 拼音:yi1 zhi4 zi4