臂 [bi4]
汉字:臂 / 拼音:bi4
臂 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
三头六臂 | 三頭六臂 | san1 tou2 liu4 bi4 | lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom)/ fig. to possess remarkable abilities/ a being of formidable powers |
上臂 | 上臂 | shang4 bi4 | upper arm |
交臂 | 交臂 | jiao1 bi4 | linking arms/ arm in arm/ very close |
交臂失之 | 交臂失之 | jiao1 bi4 shi1 zhi1 | to miss sb by a narrow chance/ to miss an opportunity |
人马臂 | 人馬臂 | ren2 ma3 bi4 | Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy) |
前臂 | 前臂 | qian2 bi4 | forearm |
力臂 | 力臂 | li4 bi4 | lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line of force) |
助一臂之力 | 助一臂之力 | zhu4 yi1 bi4 zhi1 li4 | to lend a helping hand (idiom) |
唱臂 | 唱臂 | chang4 bi4 | tone-arm (tracking arm of gramophone) |
失之交臂 | 失之交臂 | shi1 zhi1 jiao1 bi4 | to miss narrowly/ to let a great opportunity slip |
如臂使指 | 如臂使指 | ru2 bi4 shi3 zhi3 | as the arm moves the finger (idiom)/ freely and effortlessly/ to have perfect command of |
悬臂 | 懸臂 | xuan2 bi4 | cantilever |
手臂 | 手臂 | shou3 bi4 | arm/ helper |
抱臂 | 抱臂 | bao4 bi4 | to cross one's arms |
振臂一呼 | 振臂一呼 | zhen4 bi4 yi1 hu1 | to issue a call for action/ to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom) |
捋臂揎拳 | 捋臂揎拳 | luo1 bi4 xuan1 quan2 | lit. to push up one's sleeves and bare one's fists/ to be eager to get started |
攘臂 | 攘臂 | rang3 bi4 | to bare one's arms (in agitation) |
旋臂 | 旋臂 | xuan2 bi4 | spiral arm |
猿臂 | 猿臂 | yuan2 bi4 | arms like those of an ape — muscular, or long and dexterous |
猎户臂 | 獵戶臂 | lie4 hu4 bi4 | Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system) |
红臂章 | 紅臂章 | hong2 bi4 zhang1 | (southern dialects) red armband |
胳臂 | 胳臂 | ge1 bei5 | arm/ CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]/ also pr. [ge1 bi4] |
胳臂箍儿 | 胳臂箍兒 | ge1 bei5 gu1 r5 | armband |
胳臂肘儿 | 胳臂肘兒 | ge1 bei5 zhou3 r5 | elbow |
膀臂 | 膀臂 | bang3 bi4 | upper arm/ arm/ reliable helper/ right-hand man |
臂 | 臂 | bi4 | arm |
臂弯 | 臂彎 | bi4 wan1 | crook of the arm |
臂章 | 臂章 | bi4 zhang1 | armband/ armlet/ shoulder emblem |
臂纱 | 臂紗 | bi4 sha1 | armband |
臂膀 | 臂膀 | bi4 bang3 | arm |
2021-05-05, 552👍, 0💬
简体:鬷 / 繁体:鬷 / 拼音:zong1
简体:剥离 / 繁体:剥离 / 拼音:bo1 li2
简体:棘轮 / 繁体:棘轮 / 拼音:ji2 lun2
简体:腐竹 / 繁体:腐竹 / 拼音:fu3 zhu2
简体:伊壁鸠鲁 / 繁体:伊壁鸠鲁 / 拼音:Yi1 bi4 jiu1 lu3