
罰 [fa2]


汉字:罰 / 拼音:fa2

to punish/ to penalize


主罚主罰zhu3 fa2penalty (kick)
刑罚刑罰xing2 fa2sentence/ penalty/ punishment
惩罚懲罰cheng2 fa2penalty/ punishment/ to punish
惩罚性懲罰性cheng2 fa2 xing4punitive
挨罚挨罰ai2 fa2to be punished/ to be fined
敬酒不吃吃罚酒敬酒不吃吃罰酒jing4 jiu3 bu4 chi1 chi1 fa2 jiu3to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit/ fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more
易科罚金易科罰金yi4 ke1 fa2 jin1to commute a prison sentence to a fine (Tw)
有罪不罚有罪不罰you3 zui4 bu4 fa2impunity
绝罚絕罰jue2 fa2to excommunicate
罪与罚罪與罰Zui4 yu3 Fa2Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基[Tuo2 si1 tuo3 ye1 fu1 si1 ji1]
fa2to punish/ to penalize
罚不当罪罰不當罪fa2 bu4 dang1 zui4disproportionate punishment/ the punishment is harsher than the crime
罚俸罰俸fa2 feng4to forfeit one's salary
罚出场罰出場fa2 chu1 chang3(of a referee) to send a player off the field
罚则罰則fa2 ze2penal provision/ penalty
罚半蹲罰半蹲fa2 ban4 dun1to punish a student by having him stand in a half-squatting position with arms extended forward
罚单罰單fa2 dan1violation ticket/ infringement notice
罚款罰款fa2 kuan3to fine/ penalty/ fine (monetary)
罚球罰球fa2 qiu2penalty shot/ penalty kick (in sports)
罚站罰站fa2 zhan4to be made to stand still as a punishment
罚跪罰跪fa2 gui4to punish by protracted kneeling
罚酒罰酒fa2 jiu3to drink as the result of having lost a bet
罚金罰金fa2 jin1fine/ to forfeit
罚钱罰錢fa2 qian2to fine
罚锾罰鍰fa2 huan2a fine
处罚處罰chu3 fa2to penalize/ to punish
认罚認罰ren4 fa2to accept punishment
责罚責罰ze2 fa2to punish
赏罚賞罰shang3 fa2reward and punishment
重罚重罰zhong4 fa2to punish severely




2021-05-08, 600👍, 0💬