
缝 [feng2 feng4]


汉字:缝 / 拼音:feng2 feng4

féng to sew/ to stitch
fèng seam/ crack/ narrow slit/ CL:道[dao4]


中缝中縫zhong1 feng4vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/ vertical line on the back of clothing
分缝分縫fen1 feng4part (in one's hair)
勾缝勾縫gou1 feng4to point a brick wall/ to grout a tiled surface
合缝合縫he2 feng4to form a seam/ to join up
严丝合缝嚴絲合縫yan2 si1 he2 feng4to fit tightly (idiom)/ to join seamlessly/ to fit snugly
天衣无缝天衣無縫tian1 yi1 wu2 feng4lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom)/ fig. flawless
夹缝夾縫jia1 feng4crack/ crevice
女装裁缝师女裝裁縫師nu:3 zhuang1 cai2 feng5 shi1dressmaker
密缝密縫mi4 feng2tight seam/ to calk
弥缝彌縫mi2 feng2to cover up mistakes or crimes/ to stitch up/ to fix
手缝手縫shou3 feng2to sew by hand/ hand-sewn
折缝折縫zhe2 feng2welt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside)
接缝接縫jie1 feng4seam/ join/ juncture
搭缝搭縫da1 feng4overlaid seam
无缝無縫wu2 feng4seamless
无缝连接無縫連接wu2 feng4 lian2 jie1seamless connection
牙缝牙縫ya2 feng4gap between teeth
牙缝儿牙縫兒ya2 feng4 r5gap between teeth
眯缝眯縫mi1 feng5to squint
窄缝窄縫zhai3 feng4narrow gap/ slit
绗缝絎縫hang2 feng2to quilt
feng2to sew/ to stitch
feng4seam/ crack/ narrow slit/ CL:道[dao4]
缝合縫合feng2 he2to sew together/ suture (in surgery)/ to sew up (a wound)
缝合带縫合帶feng4 he2 dai4suture zone (geology)
缝子縫子feng4 zi5crack/ chink/ narrow slit/ crevice
缝穷縫窮feng2 qiong2to sew and mend clothes for a pittance
缝纫縫紉feng2 ren4to sew/ tailoring
缝纫机縫紉機feng2 ren4 ji1sewing machine/ CL:架[jia4]
缝絍縫絍feng2 ren4to sew/ to stitch




2021-05-02, 402👍, 0💬