
繁 [fan2]


汉字:繁 / 拼音:fan2

fán old variant of 繁[fan2]


事务繁忙事務繁忙shi4 wu4 fan2 mang2busy/ bustling
冗繁冗繁rong3 fan2miscellaneous
卷帙浩繁卷帙浩繁juan4 zhi4 hao4 fan2a huge amount (of books and papers)
名目繁多名目繁多ming2 mu4 fan2 duo1names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description
春秋繁露春秋繁露Chun1 qiu1 Fan2 lu4Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals, ideological tract by Han dynasty political philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒[Dong3 Zhong4 shu1]
曾繁仁曾繁仁Zeng1 Fan2 ren2Zeng Fanren, president of Shandong University from February 1998 until July 2000
浩繁浩繁hao4 fan2vast/ voluminous/ many and varied/ numerous/ extensive amount of/ exhaustive/ heavy (expenditure)/ arduous/ strenuous/ exhausting/ draining/ burdensome
满天繁星滿天繁星man3 tian1 fan2 xing1lit. whole sky, a multitude of stars
无性繁殖無性繁殖wu2 xing4 fan2 zhi2asexual reproduction
灿若繁星燦若繁星can4 ruo4 fan2 xing1bright as a multitude of stars (idiom); extremely able talent
简繁簡繁jian3 fan2simple versus traditional (Chinese characters)
简繁转换簡繁轉換jian3 fan2 zhuan3 huan4conversion from simple to traditional Chinese characters
纷繁紛繁fen1 fan2numerous and complicated
经济繁荣經濟繁榮jing1 ji4 fan2 rong2economic prosperity
fan2old variant of 繁[fan2]
fan2complicated/ many/ in great numbers/ abbr. for 繁體|繁体[fan2 ti3], traditional form of Chinese characters
繁冗繁冗fan2 rong3variant of 煩冗|烦冗[fan2 rong3]
繁博繁博fan2 bo2numerous and wide-ranging
繁多繁多fan2 duo1many and varied/ of many different kinds
繁密繁密fan2 mi4numerous and close together/ (of hair) luxuriant/ (of woods) dense/ (of gunfire) intense
繁峙繁峙Fan2 shi4Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi
繁峙县繁峙縣Fan2 shi4 xian4Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi
繁征博引繁徵博引fan2 zheng1 bo2 yin3an elaborate string of references/ many quotations
繁忙繁忙fan2 mang2busy/ bustling
繁文繁文fan2 wen2convoluted/ elaborate formalities
繁文缛节繁文縟節fan2 wen2 ru4 jie2convoluted and overelaborate (document)/ unnecessarily elaborate writing/ mumbo-jumbo
繁昌繁昌Fan2 chang1Fanchang county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui
繁昌县繁昌縣Fan2 chang1 xian4Fanchang county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui
繁星繁星fan2 xing1many stars/ a vast sky full of stars
繁本繁本fan2 ben3detailed edition/ unexpurgated version




2021-04-06, 663👍, 0💬