
紧 [jin3]


汉字:紧 / 拼音:jin3

jǐn tight/ strict/ close at hand/ near/ urgent/ tense/ hard up/ short of money/ to tighten


不打紧不打緊bu4 da3 jin3unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind
不当紧不當緊bu4 dang1 jin3not important/ of no consequence
不要紧不要緊bu4 yao4 jin3unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right, but
创伤后心理压力紧张综合症創傷後心理壓力緊張綜合症chuang1 shang1 hou4 xin1 li3 ya1 li4 jin3 zhang1 zong1 he2 zheng4post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
加紧加緊jia1 jin3to intensify/ to speed up/ to step up
勒紧勒緊lei1 jin3to tighten
勒紧裤带勒緊褲帶lei1 jin3 ku4 dai4to tighten one's belt/ to live more frugally
吃紧吃緊chi1 jin3in short supply/ dire/ tense/ critical/ hard-pressed/ important
咬紧牙根咬緊牙根yao3 jin3 ya2 gen1see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
咬紧牙关咬緊牙關yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain/ to bite the bullet
严紧嚴緊yan2 jin3strict/ tight
压紧壓緊ya1 jin3to compress
夹紧夾緊jia1 jin3to clamp/ to grip
手紧手緊shou3 jin3tightfisted/ stingy/ short of money/ hard up
手头紧手頭緊shou3 tou2 jin3short of money/ hard up
打紧打緊da3 jin3important
抓紧抓緊zhua1 jin3to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of
抓紧学习抓緊學習zhua1 jin3 xue2 xi2to concentrate on studying hard
抓紧时间抓緊時間zhua1 jin3 shi2 jian1to snatch time/ to rush/ to hurry (up)/ to seize the moment
拉紧拉緊la1 jin3to pull tight/ tensioning
挤紧擠緊ji3 jin3to squeeze
收紧收緊shou1 jin3to tighten up (restrictions etc)
束紧束緊shu4 jin3gird/ tighten
无关紧要無關緊要wu2 guan1 jin3 yao4indifferent/ insignificant
牙关紧闭症牙關緊閉症ya2 guan1 jin3 bi4 zheng4lockjaw/ trismus
箍紧箍緊gu1 jin3to fasten tightly with a hoop
jin3tight/ strict/ close at hand/ near/ urgent/ tense/ hard up/ short of money/ to tighten
紧俏緊俏jin3 qiao4(merchandise) in high demand
紧密緊密jin3 mi4inseparably close
紧密相联緊密相聯jin3 mi4 xiang1 lian2closely interrelated/ intimately related




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