
索 [Suo3 suo3]


汉字:索 / 拼音:Suo3 suo3

suǒ surname Suo/ abbr. for 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia
suǒ to search/ to demand/ to ask/ to exact/ large rope/ isolated


三索锦蛇三索錦蛇san1 suo3 jin3 she2copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kind of snake
不假思索不假思索bu4 jia3 si1 suo3to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/ to fire from the hip
不加思索不加思索bu4 jia1 si1 suo3see 不假思索[bu4 jia3 si1 suo3]
干脆利索乾脆利索gan1 cui4 li4 suo5see 乾脆利落|干脆利落[gan1 cui4 li4 luo5]
人肉搜索人肉搜索ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3to crowdsource information about sb or sth (typically as a form of vigilantism resulting in doxing)
人肉搜索引擎人肉搜索引擎ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2human flesh search engine/ a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)
伊索伊索Yi1 suo3Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave and storyteller, supposed author of Aesop's fables
全文检索全文檢索quan2 wen2 jian3 suo3full text search
冥思苦索冥思苦索ming2 si1 ku3 suo3to mull over (idiom)/ to think long and hard
利索利索li4 suo5nimble
利马索尔利馬索爾Li4 ma3 suo3 er3Limassol, Cyprus/ Lemesos
加索尔加索爾Jia1 suo3 er3Gasol (name)/ Pau Gasol (1980-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)/ Marc Gasol (1985-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)
勒索勒索le4 suo3to blackmail/ to extort
勒索罪勒索罪le4 suo3 zui4blackmail
勒索软件勒索軟件le4 suo3 ruan3 jian4ransomware (computing)
南高加索南高加索Nan2 Gao1 jia1 suo3Transcaucasia, aka the South Caucasus
吊索吊索diao4 suo3rope tackle hanging from a mast/ crow foot (system of ropes through tackle to hold up an awning)
乔治·索罗斯喬治·索羅斯Qiao2 zhi4 · Suo3 luo2 si1George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist
埃尔帕索埃爾帕索Ai1 er3 pa4 suo3El Paso (Texas)
墨索里尼墨索里尼Mo4 suo3 li3 ni2Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian fascist dictator, "Il Duce", president 1922-1943
外高加索外高加索Wai4 Gao1 jia1 suo3Transcaucasia, aka the South Caucasus
太空探索太空探索tai4 kong1 tan4 suo3space exploration
套索套索tao4 suo3a lasso/ noose
导火索導火索dao3 huo3 suo3fuse (for explosive)
布吉纳法索布吉納法索Bu4 ji2 na4 Fa3 suo3Burkina Faso (Tw)
布基纳法索布基納法索Bu4 ji1 na4 Fa3 suo3Burkina Faso
布拉索夫布拉索夫Bu4 la1 suo3 fu1Braşov, Romania
几内亚比索幾內亞比索Ji1 nei4 ya4 Bi3 suo3Guinea-Bissau (Tw)
库拉索庫拉索Ku4 la1 suo3Curaçao
弗朗索瓦·霍兰德弗朗索瓦·霍蘭德Fu2 lang3 suo3 wa3 · Huo4 lan2 de2François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017/ also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2]




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