
纷 [fen1]


汉字:纷 / 拼音:fen1

fēn numerous/ confused/ disorderly


五彩缤纷五彩繽紛wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
五彩宾纷五彩賓紛wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1colorful
五色缤纷五色繽紛wu3 se4 bin1 fen1all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
战火纷飞戰火紛飛zhan4 huo3 fen1 fei1fire of war everywhere (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war
排难解纷排難解紛pai2 nan4 jie3 fen1to remove perils and solve disputes (idiom); to reconcile differences
权力纷争權力紛爭quan2 li4 fen1 zheng1power struggle
烽烟四起,战火纷飞烽煙四起,戰火紛飛feng1 yan1 si4 qi3 , zhan4 huo3 fen1 fei1lit. fire beacons in all four directions (idiom); the confusion of war
众说纷揉眾說紛揉zhong4 shuo1 fen1 rou2lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ/ controversial matters
众说纷纭眾說紛紜zhong4 shuo1 fen1 yun2opinions differ (idiom)
纠纷糾紛jiu1 fen1dispute
fen1numerous/ confused/ disorderly
纷乱紛亂fen1 luan4numerous and disorderly
纷呈紛呈fen1 cheng2brilliant and varied/ (often in the combination 精彩纷呈)
纷披紛披fen1 pi1scattered/ mixed and disorganized
纷扰紛擾fen1 rao3turmoil/ unrest/ disturbance
纷争紛爭fen1 zheng1to dispute
纷纷紛紛fen1 fen1one after another/ in succession/ one by one/ continuously/ diverse/ in profusion/ numerous and confused/ pell-mell
纷纷扬扬紛紛揚揚fen1 fen1 yang2 yang2fluttering about (of leaves etc)
纷纭紛紜fen1 yun2diverse and muddled/ many and confused
纷繁紛繁fen1 fan2numerous and complicated
纷至沓来紛至沓來fen1 zhi4 ta4 lai2to come thick and fast (idiom)
纷杂紛雜fen1 za2numerous and confused/ in a mess
纷飞紛飛fen1 fei1to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc)/ to flutter about
缤纷繽紛bin1 fen1vast and various/ rich and diverse
聚讼纷纭聚訟紛紜ju4 song4 fen1 yun2(of a body of people) to offer all kinds of different opinions (idiom)/ to argue endlessly
色彩缤纷色彩繽紛se4 cai3 bin1 fen1see 五彩繽紛|五彩缤纷[wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1]
解纷解紛jie3 fen1to mediate a dispute
议论纷纷議論紛紛yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1to discuss spiritedly (idiom)/ tongues are wagging
议论纷错議論紛錯yi4 lun4 fen1 cuo4see 議論紛紛|议论纷纷[yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1]



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