
籌 [chou2]


汉字:籌 / 拼音:chou2

chóu chip (in gambling)/ token (for counting)/ ticket/ to prepare/ to plan/ to raise (funds)/ resource/ means


一筹莫展一籌莫展yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3to be unable to find a solution/ to be at wits' end
更胜一筹更勝一籌geng4 sheng4 yi1 chou2superior by a notch/ a cut above/ even better
略胜一筹略勝一籌lu:e4 sheng4 yi1 chou2slightly better/ a cut above
众筹眾籌zhong4 chou2crowdfunding
chou2chip (in gambling)/ token (for counting)/ ticket/ to prepare/ to plan/ to raise (funds)/ resource/ means
筹备籌備chou2 bei4preparations/ to get ready for sth
筹出籌出chou2 chu1to plan out/ to prepare
筹划籌劃chou2 hua4to plan and prepare
筹募籌募chou2 mu4to raise funds/ to collect money
筹商籌商chou2 shang1to discuss (a plan)/ to negotiate (an outcome)
筹委会籌委會chou2 wei3 hui4organizing committee
筹子籌子chou2 zi5chip/ counter
筹建籌建chou2 jian4to prepare to build sth
筹思籌思chou2 si1to ponder a solution/ to consider (the best move, how to find a way etc)
筹拍籌拍chou2 pai1to prepare to film/ to plan a shoot
筹措籌措chou2 cuo4to raise (money)
筹款籌款chou2 kuan3fundraising
筹略籌略chou2 lu:e4astute/ resourceful
筹画籌畫chou2 hua4variant of 籌劃|筹划[chou2 hua4]
筹码籌碼chou2 ma3bargaining chip/ gaming chip/ casino token
筹算籌算chou2 suan4to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board)/ to count beads/ fig. to budget/ to plan (an investment)
筹谋籌謀chou2 mou2to work out a strategy/ to come up with a plan for
筹议籌議chou2 yi4to discuss (a plan)
筹资籌資chou2 zi1to raise resources
筹办籌辦chou2 ban4to arrange/ to make preparations
筹钱籌錢chou2 qian2to raise money
筹集籌集chou2 ji2to collect money/ to raise funds
筹马籌馬chou2 ma3variant of 籌碼|筹码[chou2 ma3]
红筹股紅籌股hong2 chou2 gu3red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)
统筹統籌tong3 chou2an overall plan/ to plan an entire project as a whole




2021-05-04, 419👍, 0💬