
簿 [bu4]


汉字:簿 / 拼音:bu4

a book/ a register/ account-book


主簿主簿zhu3 bu4official registrar (of a county etc) in imperial China
像片簿像片簿xiang4 pian4 bu4album/ photo album/ sketch book
剪贴簿剪貼簿jian3 tie1 bu4scrapbook
存簿存簿cun2 bu4savings book/ bank account passbook
对簿對簿dui4 bu4to confront sb with accusation/ written charge in court (in former times)/ to take sb to court
对簿公堂對簿公堂dui4 bu4 gong1 tang2public courtroom accusation (idiom)/ legal confrontation/ to take sb to court/ to sue
帐簿帳簿zhang4 bu4account book
户口名簿戶口名簿hu4 kou3 ming2 bu4(Tw) household registration certificate (identity document)
户口簿戶口簿hu4 kou3 bu4household register
拍纸簿拍紙簿pai1 zhi3 bu4writing pad
支票簿支票簿zhi1 piao4 bu4checkbook (banking)
烟花簿煙花簿yan1 hua1 bu4catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)
留言簿留言簿liu2 yan2 bu4visitor's book/ CL:本[ben3]
相簿相簿xiang4 bu4photo album
簿簿bu4a book/ a register/ account-book
簿册簿冊bu4 ce4a register/ land register/ account book/ ledger
簿子簿子bu4 zi5notebook/ book
簿籍簿籍bu4 ji2account books/ registers/ records
簿记簿記bu4 ji4bookkeeping
簿记管理员簿記管理員bu4 ji4 guan3 li3 yuan2commissarian
考勤簿考勤簿kao3 qin2 bu4attendance record book
联络簿聯絡簿lian2 luo4 bu4contact book
记事簿記事簿ji4 shi4 bu4a memo book (recording events)
账簿賬簿zhang4 bu4an account book/ a ledger
集邮簿集郵簿ji2 you2 bu4stamp album/ CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]
电话簿電話簿dian4 hua4 bu4telephone directory



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