
箔 [bo2]


汉字:箔 / 拼音:bo2

plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo etc)/ silkworm basket/ metal foil/ foil paper


洋铁箔洋鐵箔yang2 tie3 bo2tinfoil/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
珠箔珠箔zhu1 bo2curtain of pearls/ screen of beads
bo2plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo etc)/ silkworm basket/ metal foil/ foil paper
纸箔紙箔zhi3 bo2joss paper
苇箔葦箔wei3 bo2reed matting/ reed screen
蚕箔蠶箔can2 bo2tray of straw for raising silkworms/ fig. sericulture
贴锡箔貼錫箔tie1 xi1 bo2to decorate with tin foil
金箔金箔jin1 bo2gold leaf
金银箔金銀箔jin1 yin2 bo2gold and silver foil/ gold and silver leaf
针线箔篱針線箔籬zhen1 xian4 bo2 li2wicker sewing basket (dialect)
铅箔鉛箔qian1 bo2lead foil/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
银箔銀箔yin2 bo2silver foil
铝箔鋁箔lu:3 bo2aluminum foil
铝箔纸鋁箔紙lu:3 bo2 zhi3aluminum foil
锡箔錫箔xi1 bo2tinfoil
锡箔纸錫箔紙xi1 bo2 zhi3aluminum foil/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
镍箔鎳箔nie4 bo2nickel sheet/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
镴箔鑞箔la4 bo2thin foil to make paper money for the dead



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